

New Member
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hi all. still doing my research...long process! and often confusing, but best to go into this fight with all the information.
so after rading about dht blockers such as propecia i was wondering if anyone has come across any natural/herbal dht blockers that work just as well? i have recently heard soya is quite good?
the reason im asking is im not still 100% comfortable messing with my hormones.
any info would be much appreciated.


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well the catches to soya are: the whole soya thing is obviously unproven, apparently it only works with soya milk, tofu, miso and most soya foods apart from soy sauce and after all that aparently only 30-40% of people can convert the active ingredient that helps hailoss in their intestine so....

i tried it for a bit but i'm worried about the effects of having too much of the stuff but i'm pretty sure it reduced hairloss. i was deffinately losing less and still am losing less than before but for how long? It all also depends on how much you take (obviously more controls those hormone levels throughout the day, but what else does it do?)

Try a bit of soya milk (gm free ingredients preferable etc) and see if u find ur losing less hair than before, then (if u find it might be working) try and work out how much u need a day. my thoughts are taking a glass before every meal, but taking 1 glass a day would be better if it worked... i dunno, but if you do try it, don't take too much, just in case.....