Something to Keep in Mind


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Funny how we all get so worked up over the possible long-term side effects of dutasteride., when many of put all sorts of other bullshit in our bodies. Carcinogens from cigarettes, weed, etc. Even doing a few lines won't kill you, per se, but you can die of an instant heart attack from cocaine. My dad's a cardiologist and sees someone in the emergency room every week, and I don't mean habitual users or someone who did too much. Sometimes you just have a bad reaction. Beyond drugs, there's just so much other bullshit. I am anxious as hell to start dutasteride. -- it will probably be a bumpy ride, as finasteride. has fucked my skin, as mentioned in other posts, but if this helps my hair (finasteride. hasn't after a year), I'll take whatever comes my way.