Something is SERIOUSLY wrong

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Hello guys, I'm new to this forum, but I've been looking around and the community looks great.

So a few months ago I noticed that I had a receding hairline. Well that's normal I guess except i'm only 23.

Well I've really been worried because my hair loss is accompanied by really bad pain every time. Before one of my hair falls I feel a really bad stinging sensation in the follicle. It always happens when im really stressed, depressed or anxious or tired (which is literally110% of the day). Can I expect results from finasteride?


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Try a ketaconazole shampoo like nizoral.Although i feel like you are exaggerating your condition


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Hello guys, I'm new to this forum, but I've been looking around and the community looks great.

So a few months ago I noticed that I had a receding hairline. Well that's normal I guess except i'm only 23.

Well I've really been worried because my hair loss is accompanied by really bad pain every time. Before one of my hair falls I feel a really bad stinging sensation in the follicle. It always happens when im really stressed, depressed or anxious or tired (which is literally110% of the day). Can I expect results from finasteride?

Some guys go fully bald before hitting 20 years of age.
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Well the depression and anxiety goes away but it is a lot of the time and I tend to feel the stinging then. Also I always have really big fatigue and I noticed my hair never falls out when I feel awake and good but when I'm fatiguing I notice a really bad increase in shedding and I am really tired a lot I'm not sure why. The stinging is always around my hairline or the vertex and it is a REALLY intense sting


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It can happen when you are serious stressed/depressed, i know some people with this stinging pain but never heard about the vertex-hairline zone, it's usually intense itching
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I think it's something to do with lack of exercise and positive attitude. I noticed all my friends that played sports and are always happy have not lost a single hair, but my friends cousin who I met at 17 was just about full bald and he was very angry and fat and always stressing over school. When I get exercise I feel my head start to pulsate a little bit and the blood rushes to it hard, and I think my dry scalp has a lot to do with it. Hate the north so much. Can't go outside at all.


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I think it's something to do with lack of exercise and positive attitude. I noticed all my friends that played sports and are always happy have not lost a single hair, but my friends cousin who I met at 17 was just about full bald and he was very angry and fat and always stressing over school. When I get exercise I feel my head start to pulsate a little bit and the blood rushes to it hard, and I think my dry scalp has a lot to do with it. Hate the north so much. Can't go outside at all.

You really believe this?


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Look at how many top tier athletes have lost their hair. It's just genetics man, ****ty genetics.


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I would've been completely slick bald with a NW6 pattern by age 18-19 if I never used any legitimate treatments.

I'm 22 and hit NW5 already. Positive I would be NW7 by the time I'm 25 if I didn't do anything about it.

So yeah OP, simple recession at 23 is quite common and entirely genetic. You're not losing your hair because of your attitude or because you didn't play enough sports. Stop overthinking this and get on legitimate treatments if you want to stop your hair loss. Don't waste your time (and consequently lose more hair) on unproven "natural" explanations.


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Look at how many top tier athletes have lost their hair. It's just genetics man, ****ty genetics.

Michael Jordan
LeBron James
Tiger Woods
Cal Ripken Jr.
Andre Agassi
Charles Barkley
Shaquille O'Neal

The list is endless. What's amazing is how ridiculous people's theories are on baldness.


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I think it's something to do with lack of exercise and positive attitude. I noticed all my friends that played sports and are always happy have not lost a single hair, but my friends cousin who I met at 17 was just about full bald and he was very angry and fat and always stressing over school. When I get exercise I feel my head start to pulsate a little bit and the blood rushes to it hard, and I think my dry scalp has a lot to do with it. Hate the north so much. Can't go outside at all.



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LOL, perfect gif, the world's greatest athlete of all time who happens to be bald.... actually MJ started going bald around 23 as well. What's the next theory, nofap? lol


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What's the next theory, nofap? lol

Somebody once told me that although he was the greatest athlete in the NBA that he sucked at getting the ladies and was actually a chronic masturbator.


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Have your thyroid checked, hairloss and depression are symptoms of thyroid problems, especially if your eyebrows are thinning in the outer half, just a suggestion


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The pain could be a psychological manifestation . The mind is a powerful thing and it certainly looks like your over thinking It. Get on the regime of the big 3 the psychological impact that your taking control and doing somthing about it will improve your mental state considerably . Good luck
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Thanks guys, I'm talking to a doctor tomorrow soon so I'm hoping he will prescribe me the 5mg.

If you are balding around your hairline does that mean for it's 100% male pattern baldness for sure? Not sure if other problems can make it look that way.