Something I noticed in most guys with male pattern baldness...


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JayMan said:
i never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht- i believe they go bald because their androgen receptors are more genetically sensitive to the androgens.

Your conclusion about DHT helping increase muscle mass is just stupid.

Ok, once again you speak out of your ***. Its no wonder these other guys appear to be on my side. And the disclaimer about "I believe" was something i intended to being up also but didn't. Either way, i have provided evidence for what i have stated. I can also provide more sites if you don't believe DHT is a byproduct of testosterone and has an anabolic steroid effect on the body (building up tissue).

If you choose to ignore it thats your problem. Therefore, your assumptions entail you speak out of your *** because you are being ignorant.

Now you change your stance after being disproven to say that : " I never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht".

In regards to dht in balding men, i never said that all balding men have higher amounts of dht. You are puting in words in my mouth.


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JayMan said:
I_Hate_DHT said:
JayMan said:
i never meant to imply that they don't in some cases. but you were implying that they go bald because they have higher levels of dht- i believe they go bald because their androgen receptors are more genetically sensitive to the androgens.

Your conclusion about DHT helping increase muscle mass is just stupid.

I think most of your statements are stupid.

After reading most of your posts, I have come to this conclusion. You never contribute with anything, you just shout $#iT all the time and try to take people down and make them look like ridicolous.

And when you have nothing to say, you just troll around one topic, making stupid jokes. You have too much free time in your hands, to press the reply button and take your time to post useless messages and disrupt the flow of discussion.

I think Moderators should start to ban people who disrupt the flow of a discussion over and over and over and over...

I think you waste too much time here:

Joined: 30 Jun 2006
Posts: 1670 :shock:

I bet more than 80% of those messages are shitty posts. :)

Very sorry, Mr Pharaoh, but you'd be wrong. I spend more time than anyone in the tell your story forum helping newbies out and answering questions than basically anyone on here.
thats true, and sorry if you get upset or do not agree with proven advice and methods... if you want bs about laser combs, hanging upside down, paparika pepper... go to another male pattern baldness forum



I see in addition to your two claimed disadvantages of being very short and bald that you also have a stellar personality to go along with it.

You will be served well by it in the future, of that I am sure. :lol:


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JayMan said:

I see in addition to your two claimed disadvantages of being very short and bald that you also have a stellar personality to go along with it.

You will be served well by it in the future, of that I am sure. :lol:

Lol, don't be mad just because i proved you wrong!

Simply accept you are wrong. Being more humble would be a good idea.

I am actually a nice person. You only insulted my personality because I calmly showed that your bold assumptions were wrong.

Why the need to bring in irrelevenat information? What does being short have to do at all with this discusssion? I am actually about 5'7 which is on the shorter side but not midget status like you make it sound.

Its quite typical for people to take any angle they can when in desperation. You have been proven wrong so now you on the defensive looking for anything you can. You automatically resort to name calling, insults, etc.

Either way, I'm done with this topic. Argueing is stupid especially when there is nothing to argue about.

My statements stand because i have shown evidence.

Your oppinions do not because they consist of your stubborn beliefs.


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So, what's going on in this thread?

If the argument is whether or not there are androgen receptors in skeletal muscle, Foote has posted studies that says there clearly is. Not only that, but they are linked to skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

As for how the androgen receptor works, it's not a question of affinity. DHT has the same affinity for the androgen receptor in balding and non-balding men. It's a question of how many triplet repeats you have in the gene that codes for the androgen receptor. This controls its ability to act as a nuclear receptor through conformational change.

Stop arguing with each other. It gets us nowhere.


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Doctor, what hormone would you guess is most responsible for: oily skin, acne, excess body hair, and early male pattern baldness?


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i dunno.. sometimes I think I'd rather be fat than bald.. at least there is something you can do about being fat.


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JayMan said:

I see in addition to your two claimed disadvantages of being very short and bald that you also have a stellar personality to go along with it.

You will be served well by it in the future, of that I am sure. :lol:

That just proved, you are an a**h**.

BTW, Mr. COMB OVER, we have a new record: :lol: :lol:

Joined: 30 Jun 2006
Posts: 2387

There is currently so much HATE in this forum.


I_Hate_DHT said:
That just proved, you are an a**h**.

BTW, Mr. COMB OVER, we have a new record: :lol: :lol:

Joined: 30 Jun 2006
Posts: 2387

There is currently so much HATE in this forum.

I seriously cannot believe you are calling me mr combover. what the hell are you talking about? Norwood 1.5's don't do combovers. A combover is when you comb the hair from one side of your head over the other side to hide balding. I am combing my hair forward.

And most of my posts have been helping people in the tell your story forum or others. Ask any of the newbies who I am and most of them will know because I helped them personally via PM and in their threads.

You, on the other hand, are just a shitty poster who no one would miss if you died tomorrow.


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this thread is some funny sh*t...