some quick questions


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i'm 20 years old and have noticed my temples receeding for some time. i have put off talking to my doctor about propecia because i find it a bit embarassing, but i think it's about time i get over it. i need to make an appointment for a check up, will i be able to address being put on propecia there, or will i need to see a specialty doctor? what is the approximate cost of this treatment and will health insurance help out?


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Any General doctor or dermatologist should be able to prescrible you propecia, As far for insurance unfortunately it doesn't cover propecia. It cost about $65-75 depending which pharmacy you go to , I get mine at walgreens for $70.00 a month but you can tell your doctor to prescribe you the propack(3 month supply) which is cheaper. If you want to go in a cheaper route then you can take proscar and just get a pill cutter. Well good luck in you hairloss!


New Member
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will a doctor prescribe procar? whats the approximate cost of that compared with propecia? 70 dollars a month is pretty steep


Established Member
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The dermatalogist should be able to prescrible you but some won't because they get a profit for marketing Medications for their particular office, the price for proscar is $76.00 for 5 MG for 30 pills but keep in mind all you need is 1 MG every day to be effective so you will save money in the long run.


Established Member
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I live in the U.S. Most doctors feel comfortable prescribing Propecia, so any doctor will probably do. A dermatologist will know the most about the drug however. Insurance usually doesn't cover it because it is cosmetic. It can be pricey to get brand name Propecia, but it depends on where you are buying it.


Experienced Member
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70 dollars????? thats insane... i pay $5 a month for my fincar which i split it in 4 from unitedpharmacies or inhouse, both dot com.


Senior Member
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782 and any other online drug store that doesnt require a legitimate doctors prescription has very high odds of being fake and you will never know. Buying a drug online does carry pretty high risk. You are much safer and more assured of getting the real drug when you buy it from a brick and mortar pharmacy in the US even though its much more expensive you get what you pay for.