Some Questions Regarding Licl Please Answer Them.


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I have recently bought some Licl because its a wnt pathway up regulator works by inhibiting GSK3beta.
what i have read most of the people who use this use it only after the wounding (dermarolling).

my questions are.
can we use it as a daily treatment product like samumed's?
how to deliver it ?? what should be the vehicle ? will ethanol work.?
how much concentration i should use @hellouser says 15mg/ml.
can i use it by dissolving in minoxidil solution?
will the powder go bad after some time i have 25 g of it if yes. how to store it ??
most importantly what results i should expect??

please respond to it.

one thing more i have heard lithium cause hair loss you can google it, whats your take at this ?


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On the private forum, Someone told me few months ago that they use it four times.
One time, just after dermarolling, and the three days that follow. ( one per day).
It was 10mg/ml.
In distilled water, you wait 1 minute and it's ok.

But maybe it has changed.


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I'm also curious about its effects.
If you gathered some more info about it please share it here.