Solving A Problem


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I've been following this forum for awhile now and I thought it might be time for introduction. Hope I can make myself well understood and excuse me for any language mistakes.
I am 22 years old.
I noticed first signs of male pattern baldness when I was 20. This was expected since male pattern baldness strongly runs through my moms and my dads side. I had hoped for it to start at a later stage in life, but is what it is.
I'm at NW1,5 stage with diffuse thinning on top.

I started with finasteride for about a year ago. Took 0,25 mg e3d. Used it for 3-4 months. Experienced increaded libido and become stronger. Quit because it affected my skin quality, I also got stressed and I had anxiety. It seemed as it aged my skin at fast rate. Saggy face and sunken eyes. I think it is possible that it induced fat atrophy.

After that I tried using Nizoral ED in 4-5 month as a single treatment. I believe I saw some regrowth before I noticed how it messed up with the texture of hair and that it made my skin very dry. Big mistake. I Think I developed some kind of allergic reaction to one of the ingridients in Nizoral. However it is very mild. During this period I I lost ground and my front started to thin diffusely
I use Nizoral 1x week now and see if i can recover from the texture change.

After that I tried topical melatonin, which I had bought for better sleep initially. I have been using it on scalp for last 1-2 months. It cooled down my scalp but stopped the treatment and thought it might be wiser to invest in a stronger treatment with more back-up.

Because of the pattern of my hair loss I am at a stage where l would look better with shaved head if I would lose little more hair, although i'm supposedly NW1-2.
I dont look too bad shaved, also I am black, but now is the time to act.

I am amazed by the intellect, the knowledge and the effort in this forum. Being a medical student I somehow find researching this a charm, developing my scientific understanding and also putting it on a test. And hopefully I can find´a solution"to the problem.

My goal and plan is to compound an anti-adrogenetic topical with a good safety profile. I am currently using topical alfatradiol.


My Regimen
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your story is very similar to mine, especially with looking into small doses of topical AA's. I, however, had nasty sides from finasteride/sawP right off the back which is deterring me from wanting to start something new, but I'll be following your progress, wish the best for ya!