So yea few updates and my final stance on my hairloss


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Basically i call it quits...kinna. Im done with minoxidil I find its kinna irritating my scalp and not doing a whole much. I dont believe I have much potential for regrowth. My hair everywhere even my beard has kinna a thin texture and huge jumps in btwn follicles. I find my hair everywhere is actually a mix of thin terminal hairs and vellous hairs. On my moustache only the sides grow but the middle of it is all thin vellous hairs. On my hairs EVER SINCE puberty my upper arms have had vellous hairs while my hairs on my lower arms have been mostly terminal. minoxidil has not worked on my head nor has it worked on the limited area ive tested it on on my beard. I just believe I had very thin genetically hair, thats made all the worse by diffuse thinning. I will stick to elimiating irriation by shampooing with tar coal shampoos or baby shampoo, and taking my proscar as a precuationary method, and hopefully having HM take my regrowth to far above my genetic potential. That being said heres the shocking state of my hair.


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some more


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You can clearly see a line where the hair suddenly gets thicker (its still thin) but the density drastically changes. Also within the thin spot on top of my head you see some thicker areas (most notably the hairline)


macattack what happened to taking large pics like you used to. these small pics are totally worthless because theyre so tiny. i mean 6 kb? :\

im sure your hair was a lot thicker in your younger years even if you don't remember it being so. i don't know any non balding caucasian who has hair of that level thinness.

i also have almost no upper army hair while having terminal forearm hair. pretty common man. same thing with the middle mustache part not growing.


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Trust me, I KNOW how you feel man... I'm a bit older than you but it's still a b**ch to lose hair way before you're 30. We're losing in the same pattern, right behind hairline the whole top is diffused.


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Actually my bros isnt that far behind and hes only 15...when he gets a lower grade shave on the sides or his hair is wet its pretty thin. Hes still a cut above me, the hair is thin but his hairline is a perfect NW1


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1stly JAYman welcome back long no see bro. 2ndly, those are my hairs @ guard 0 look @ the 1st pic u can see the hairline and the part on the side where its kinna thicker but still on the top of my head. I lost my camera so i took the pics with my cell. I cant believe i followed ur lead but i actually shave my head to 0 like u did lol.


i think it looks good. i seriously doubt that if you buzzed without guard( 0) that anyone will be able to tell you're balding. no one will be shining a flash on the top of your head in everyday life man. i doubt even sunlight will show it.


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Whether or not they can see the diff in densities is really irrelevant. The thickest density i have even is sickenigly thin. More likely then not it looks like im diseased, or @ the very least its aesthetically disgusting but eh what u ganna do.


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MacAttack, you are hardly balding. I wouldn't be ashamed of your hair.


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MacAttack said:
Take a good long look DSC00379 ^^

that pic shows some strong contrast, I cant see much in other pics.