so who here


Established Member
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has been taking finesteride & having good results/no sides ? was just wondering if the mojority have succeeded with finasteride.


Senior Member
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Me! Don't expect this forum to give you a representative sample of opinion. Most guys on Propecia don't post on forums. Some people attribute all of their problems to Propecia (often unjustly), and they tend to be disproportionately represented on forums like these.


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I myself have had success in that (knock on wood) have dramitically slowed/stopped hairloss. Though I have not seen a ton of noticable regrowth..but at the same instance my hiar is long and I have only been on it just shy of 8 months. Do some research on it, understand what it can do, and if you feel comfortable with it which most do you have a good chance of success.


Experienced Member
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it worked well for me ^^ have been on it over 1 year now got regrowth and thickening.. but i alsow use rogain. and nizoral/ revita