so I just had a buzzcut and... (Pics Inside!)


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I'd had my hair long for quite some time, not shoulder length or anything but Id always cut it short before and for the last year or more I just let it grow really longer than usual, but I have Military service coming up and so I had to get a buzzcut (rules) and I'm kinda worried about my Vertex, Am i getting a Bald spot?

my parents have always expressed concern over my vertex area, they always saying its thinning whenever I'm like on my PC with my back to them or something. while they have always been obsessive about this (my father is bald and my younger brother is balding progressively) lately they've been mentioning it again and its getting me worried. they've been telling me about my hair thinning for around 4 years but i really cant assess if its really progressively thinning or if its just been always thin

so anyway this is how it looks like, I'm 26 by the way:
DSC_0009.jpg DSC_0011.jpg

about 3 months ago this is how it looked like with long hair:


my barber told me once that brushing my hair forwards to untangle it then backwards and keeping long hair for long periods has put strain on that area, could that be a reason or is it thinning?

and here's how my hairline looks like now, excuse the gloomy face:

I couldn't find any vertex photos but I have an old buzz cut photo from when i was 17 or something, excuse the gloomy face again xD:


so what do you think?


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Looks good, If you really wanted you could probably use a pinch of toppik or another concealer and no one would ever know anything. Great hairline btw.


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The crown area is starting to become obvious, you're hairline seems fine... I'm not sure why you would want to use toppik's or concealer's unless it's to save face for a few years while you try to hook up with a nice girl and get married? Of course the shaved head would probably work for you and work just as well for a couple years.

From my understanding and I did use it for 8 months, finasterside is basically the only thing you can do to stop the loss... but the sides are a concern, I'm weighing my options as well.


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You are blessed with thick hair, that scalp showing is normal when your hair is short. So unless you are shedding like 50-100 or more hairs a day in the shower or when you shake your head you are fine. Just use Nizoral as a mild help if you dont have severe shedding.


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thanks for your feedback guys! I'll try to take a Bird's eye view as soon as i can and post it, and I only notice shedding when my hair grows long like the long haired picture, it mostly happens when I'm combing and I havent tried counting the hairs exactly but i think at its worst day it couldn't exceed fifty, i dont know if I'm at my normal rate though. I just need to determine if Its thinning or not to start taking any measures I can, I started nizoral once every other day is that okay? (i have a bit of seborrhea too so i guess just as well :p)


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Your crown is about where mine is...if I cut it short anyway. A little bit of toppik and you'll be set!

That being said, with what you have it will be mainly fellow thinning men who think you're balding. Most girls won't notice that, and I've also found a lot of girls don't notice it doing to being shorter than myself...and I'm only 6ft.


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okay I took some bird's eye photos, didnt know head angle you want so i took variations:

DSC_0015.jpg DSC_0013.jpg DSC_0009.jpg DSC_0009.jpg



it's not hairloss, I'm in the army and I see people with buzzcut every day, crown looks thinner in shorter haircuts, it may look like hairloss but it's not, also the flash causing it to look thinner then it is


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You have diffuse thinning, just like me. We have the same type of hair. I started to get weird thinning in the vertex like you, and then it started to progress more and more and more until my hairline took a minor hit as well. Once that happened, I got on finasteride. Been on it 3.5 months, no change thus far.

Tell me Ali, do you have more scalp itching/burning now than you did when you were younger?


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Without the flash no one would ever know. I will post a pic of my crown with the flash on and it would instantly boost your self esteem, and people tell me my loss is itself mild. Even your diffuse thinning is mild. I am a norwood spotter and if I saw you out, I would not think you had any male pattern baldness whatsoever. Now Im not saying you dont, but I wouldnt notice it.


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I am not seeing any temple recession and you have not provided close up pics of temple recession. Even for diffuse thinners/balders, there will always be some form of "damaged" temple, no matter how minor. I have seen non-Androgenetic Alopecia with such kind of thinning on top-it appears thinner than sides because top hair is not well layered vertically as side ones.


I sew perfect nw1 guys, unthuched hairline, with compleatly bald crown so your worng.


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Lmao the monk look.


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What? It's the "best" type of hair loss. Not hard to conceal, meds work the best there and you have a perfect hairline to frame your face which makes all the difference.

As for the OP, it does look like male pattern baldness to me. His hair doesn't look to be that short and quite a bit of scalp is showing through. Unless it's a camera thing, I say early stages of male pattern baldness.


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guys :D I'm getting confused here :D getting mixed signals haha! so What do I do now? any Advice?

I just wanna know if it's starting for me (i dont know for sure but I think starting treatment if i dont have thinning could be harmful?) and If it's starting I wanna know what treatment options I have and what i can do to stop it) hopefully not Finasteride, i got cancer history in the family and i dont think I should be playing with hormones, something locally acting would be okay though, i think

- - Updated - - -

You have diffuse thinning, just like me. We have the same type of hair. I started to get weird thinning in the vertex like you, and then it started to progress more and more and more until my hairline took a minor hit as well. Once that happened, I got on finasteride. Been on it 3.5 months, no change thus far.

Tell me Ali, do you have more scalp itching/burning now than you did when you were younger?

No as a matter of fact its much less now, when i was in my teens my head was really plaqued with dandruff, not as much these days, and I used to use nizoral on and off to put it under control

- - - Updated - - -

I am not seeing any temple recession and you have not provided close up pics of temple recession. Even for diffuse thinners/balders, there will always be some form of "damaged" temple, no matter how minor. I have seen non-Androgenetic Alopecia with such kind of thinning on top-it appears thinner than sides because top hair is not well layered vertically as side ones.

you want pics of my temples as in a side view? I'll see what i can do :) but i didnt get the last part, you mean this thinning could be for reasons other than male pattern baldness? could you please elaborate on that?


Ok I'm gonna change my mind, in another look this is male pattern baldness, only vertex for now, your front is perfects, what you need and I must do is get on propecia as soon as you can and start preventive treatment, in your state it will be perfect to start now cuz you dident lost much


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Ok I'm gonna change my mind, in another look this is male pattern baldness, only vertex for now, your front is perfects, what you need and I must do is get on propecia as soon as you can and start preventive treatment, in your state it will be perfect to start now cuz you dident lost much

I really wanna stay away from systemic stuff cuz like i said i got cancer history in the family and i dont think I should be playing with hormones, something locally acting would be okay though, i think


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Yes, I was making a case that it might be thinning due to other reasons such as illness, nutrition etc. For some reasons, the galeau region loses more even if it is reasons other than Androgenetic Alopecia. How is your thyroid ? I think temple picture might help us.

Regardless, if you do have Androgenetic Alopecia, then finasteride is the best bet. You will probably get a lot of thick hair without any problem. People with darker hair seems to benefit the most. Other than finasteride., you can try topical RU or Flutamide; but know that flutamide may also go systemic and will have some minor side effects.