So here is my (short) story


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Hi everybody!

I'm a 21 years old male from Spain, Europe. I´ve been losing my hair probably since my 17's or 18's, or at least it was when i first realise my hair going down and my crown thinning. I didn't give it much importance, but these last 6 months have been terrible, when I wash my hair my scalp can be seen, but not in a normal way, I think you understand what I mean. My hairline is receding too.

I'm now studying for exams, and I finish in 14th july, but i don't want to. The idea of going to the beach and getting my hair wet terrifies me... I don't want to have my hair cut neither...

I guess my only chance is using minoxidil and propecia. My father is a doctor, and I guess he is going to be aware of propecia horror stories and I don't think he is going to let me use it... I know I'm 21 and of course I'm free to use, but anyway...

I'm so depressed now, I mean, not depressed like the illnes, but in a bad mood, nothing seems to satisfy mee, I just want to get this torment finished.

I would appreciate some advice from more experienced people like you guys.

Thans for reading me!

EDIT: I don't know if it have any importance, but i went through puberty very soon, when I was 13 already had the typical moustache, and when I reached 16's already had hair all over my chest and belly.

EDIT: i'm linking an spansh forum post where I uploaded my pictures, the text is in spanish but the important thing is that you can see the pictures (they are from april). I hope it isn'a considerated spam.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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I don't see anything. If you're 21 then you're a grown *** man, why should your father make this decision for you? Find a different doctor, and (if you have hair loss at all), then just take finasteride. Your hair looks fine to me.


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I don't see anything. If you're 21 then you're a grown *** man, why should your father make this decision for you? Find a different doctor, and (if you have hair loss at all), then just take finasteride. Your hair looks fine to me.

Thanks for the asnwer, GoldenMane! Yeah, next week I have an appointment with a dermatologist in my city that is said that is quite good, let's what does he say.

You might think I have no problem there in my hair, but the truth is that 2 years back my scalp was barely visible with wet hair, and my frontline has receded a lot (it can't be seen in the pictures). Besides, I think this last 2 months I lost much hair. I'm gonna get a haircut and take new photos so you people can give me better advice.

Thanks again for your time, sharing this with you makes easier this issue.