Snakeman's Story - (28 /What treatment should I follow? )


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There are exactly 12 months since I discovered that I am starting to shed. I will attach here a photo with my hair, to see the actual shedding. I must mention that I am 28 years old and I have no bald ancestors (for example, my father started to shed severly only after 60 years old, when I think is normal). I must also mention that I take daily some pills for 3 years now, due to a chronic disease I have. It is known that these pills which contain Mesalazine (Salofalk), can cause alopecia, but only in very rare cases (so...I think it's not my case).
I tried different treatments for 1-2 months each such as: Anastim & Anaphase from Ducray, Dercos Aminexil Energy from Vichy, SuperZix II and recently Nizoral shampoo. I must mention that I had days when I lost more than 200 hairs. None of those treatments stopped the shedding. I was visiting from the begining a dermathologyst, and he said that it must be a diphuse androgenetic alopecia. But... There is a but! I must mention that most of the times I feel a diphuse pain in my scalp, when I try to move my hair, for example. Why this pain in the scalp skin? Is it normal?
Now I found some good references about another hair care product called Crescina. And of course that there are some bad stories about its effects, too. So...anyone can advise me what to do further, what treatmens to follow? I thank you all in advance!


  • 3.11.2009.jpg
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If you read answers to other newbies, you'll see that the only proven treatments that regrow hair or maintain hair are propecia, minoxidil, and nizoral shampoo.

Minoxidil is a growth stimulant, it encourages hair growth and helps to regrow hair. It a topical in lotion and foam form, that should be applied twice every day.

Propecia is a pill that hits the problem to its root, it blocks the mechanism that androgens are binding to androgen-sensitive hair and causes them to fall. These two have better results when taken together. Nizoral is an anti-dandruff anti-inflammatory shampoo.

All these are treatments, this means that you should be taking them as long as you want to keep the benefits you're getting from them.

You still have lots of hair and i would advise you to start with propecia for 6-8 months and if there is no improvement add minoxidil (rogaine).


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Thank you for your suggestions, but I am still concerned about the skin pain which I have on my scalp, when I move my hair, or I touch it harder... Any opinion about its origin?


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I get this too, it's really annoying.

Not 100% sure but I think there's never been a definative reson given for this.

However, what is suggested on this site is that it is the scalp reacting with the hormonal changes going on in your body, and that nizoral is a must.

I guess it takes time to work.


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snakeman said:
Thank you for your suggestions, but I am still concerned about the skin pain which I have on my scalp, when I move my hair, or I touch it harder... Any opinion about its origin?

Inflammation. Do you have oily or dry scalp, dandruff etc? Also it could be a reaction to these products that you are using...


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Hmm...I don't use any kind of product beside Nizoral shampoo (twice a week), for 2-3 months now, and still...the pain is still there...