Smoking and Hairloss


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First time poster here. Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, I've looked around but couldn't find anything. Think I was too busy reading the success stories looking for some hope.

In any event, is there any link to smoking and hairloss?

I've been noticing a thin spot around the crown area. Now, I've also always been told that if your mother's family doesn't have a history of male pattern baldness, you won't. Well, they all have full heads of hair... so yeah.

I've done some poking around online and found SOME info, but I'm not sure about it. Moreover, if I quit, will the hair grow back? Is the damage permanent? I've picked some monoxidil I plan on starting twice daily as per the instructions.

In any event, thanks in advance for all the info. Keep the hope.


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Have you got low thyroid symptoms??

Like insomnia, poor dream recall, low energy, bad nails with white spots, anxiety and fearfulness, weakness...


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cigarettes are vasoconstricters and have been linked to hairloss. cannabinoids are vasodilators and have not been linked. smoking anything is not good for your health



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Actually, yeah I've had those symptoms. On all counts. I take it these things are very bad?

EDIT: Are cigars just as bad?


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No, wait, don´t panic.

I was just guessing. I have same symptoms, and I also have a thin crown since I was 19. I´m doing a little research, and it seems that there´s a connection between thinning in vertex-female pattern and hypothyroid/adrenal stress condition.

Go to a doctor to get your thyroid checked. Also remember to ask him to perform a pyrrole test in your urine, wacthing if you have pyroluria (zinc/vitamin b6/fatty acids defficience), which can trigger adrenal stress.

There´s a thread over at HLH where there are making nice indagations about our kind of thinning.

Still, I believe that classic male pattern baldness treatment is effective for female-pattern (no recession). I´ve been using the big 3 for 13 months and I´ve thickened my hair.

I just think that there´s some underlying condition in no-recessive vertex-thinning patterns that develops male pattern baldness in a different way. I´m basing myself in my own observations, researching the web for medical literature. Educate yourself about hypothyroid condition, male pattern baldness and related questions and try to make your own conclusions.


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go get your thyroid levels checked. if they look a little funny, even if they still within normal boundaries, request the doctor put you on a smaller than average dose of the appropriate thyroid treatment. this will not affect the rest of the body in any negative way and will definately show if you have an underlying thyroid condition. the scientific community is starting to realise that many people actually are suffering hyperthyroid and hypothyroid symptoms while still having test results within the normal range, though often close to the borders.


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Made a Dr's appt today, he was booked up for two weeks. So March 20 is my day.

Is there any hope for a rebound of growth if it's discovered to be a thyroid problem?

And thanks for all the info.


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as far as i know, hairloss caused by thyroid problems can be reversed. but please dont get your hopes up, its more likely that you have a combination of male pattern baldness and thyroid problems. therefore treatment will help but no instant regrowth of your hair is gonna happen.