SmileBam's Story - ( 21 / from Romania)


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Hi all.First,i must say that my english is not perfect,so gramatical mistakes can be seen when i write. :)) But this is not important.
I just want to say that i never expected to have hair loss,but unfortunately,i have.I noticed this a year and half ago,when i just turned twenty.At first,i didn't give this much importance,but when the autumn camed(the autumn of 2008),i becamed more nervous about this.However,i just googled a lot.First,i've found saw palmetto as a safe alternative to finasteride.I've tried to order online,but the product never camed. :)) Just Romania.Since then,i didn't tried to purcahse nothing else,just some Revivogen(i canceled the command because i didn't had necessary cash that time.However,i didn't want to let my hair just fall(i had,and stll have a thick hair,maybe with a recession,not very visible,i am clever and just cover well :p).So,2 months ago i've bought Nizoral and a month ago Proscar,without prescription(well,this is Romania,the country without limits :)) ).Didn't saw an improvement until now,but is still to early for this,i'll be patient.I look pretty good and i don't want to lose my hair so quick.
P.S.male pattern baldness in my family-my father-only receeded hairline,maybe a nw3.5,don't know exactly.My hairloss it's much of the same,seems to be very slow and receeding hair line.Hope that it will just stop a few yars when,hopefully,something better will came.Cheers and good luck in your battle with this monster named hair loss.