skinoren anyone tried it(need some advise please help urgent


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hi bald buddy and going to bald buddys

i am new to this forum and i want to know that skinoren will fight againtst sebum production in head that excess sebum will causae more hair to was begun in my 18 and now i am 22 .in 18 i was lost too much hair i quickly respond to that shaved my head and i saw that every hair it was thinned and visble scalp everywhere before shaving after i shaved i gained every hair and temple was gone within age of 20 and patches where about started at 21 and now 22 and .within span 4 years and i shaved plenty of times my head try to escape from male pattern baldness.but no result ,,any way i prevent it full bald .like my brother he was fully bald ..

now i getting oily scalp but after 5 months of dutas oil was quite slowed but small hair falling out whenever i took bath..anyway that is also slowed last two days.

now i'm going shave my head will skinoren can help out dht in my head ..

my regimen is

1 mg dutas and 1 mg finasteride
mintop 5% frequently (no use only cat hair is growing.against dht is not worth)
sorry for not speaking good english


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The active ingredient in Skinoren is a fatty acid called azelaic acid, which was shown in a famous in vitro experiment a few years ago to inhibit the 5a-reductase enzyme (in other words, it reduced the formation of DHT). The only problem is that there are almost no in vivo studies confirming that the same thing happens in living animals. There have been five studies (I believe all but one were done on humans) which tested the effect of topical azelaic acid on sebum production, and four out of the five showed no effect at all; only the fifth one showed a (small?) reduction. For that reason, I personally don't recommend using azelaic acid as a topical antiandrogen. It seems unlikely to work very well.


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if you have to much oil on your skin then you need to wash your hair everyday.


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Bryan I had hopes for azelex/skinoren but when I saw 100 % they said it inhibited dht 100 %, "in vivo" I knew it was all bs!You know Allergan (the company who makes Azelaic acid/Azelex) would have applied for a patent asap and we would have a new drug! On a side note Bryan weird thing is Azelex went generic I think it was 20 % cream, it was for ONLY acne. They then came out with "finacea" said it was for rosacea but same ingredient at 15 %! Oh what do you think of the newly approved Latisse? I know it's for eye lash growth, but like minoxidil and proscar it was discovered by accident (used for glaucoma patients) and they got longer eye lashes, anyways you probably know this it seems like they used a lower concentration of the eye drops and apply it to an applicator. If it can grow hair there, does it have any promise for the scalp?


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nuttyrich said:
On a side note Bryan weird thing is Azelex went generic I think it was 20 % cream, it was for ONLY acne.

Azelaic acid is a perfectly good acne drug, because it helps kill acne bacteria and also has one other property that helps that condition. But unfortunately, there just isn't any convincing evidence at all that it works as a topical 5a-reductase inhibitor.

nuttyrich said:
Oh what do you think of the newly approved Latisse? I know it's for eye lash growth, but like minoxidil and proscar it was discovered by accident (used for glaucoma patients) and they got longer eye lashes, anyways you probably know this it seems like they used a lower concentration of the eye drops and apply it to an applicator. If it can grow hair there, does it have any promise for the scalp?

Maybe. The active ingredient in Latisse is bimatoprost, which is similar to the drug latanoprost. Latanoprost got a fair amount of attention a few years ago as a hair growth stimulator, and if I recall correctly, it was pretty successful at growing hair on stumptailed macaques. However, I believe it was Dr. Lee who experimented with latanoprost at one point a few years back, and reported that he was disappointed with the results. In any event, it remains to be seen if bimatoprost is perhaps more effective for scalp hair than latanoprost.

BTW, take a look at the first item in my signature file! :) Proscar for hairloss wan't "discovered by accident". Merck developed the drug from the very beginning for the specific purpose of treating a variety of androgen-related disorders, including male pattern baldness, BPH, hirsutism, acne, etc.