Skin Peeling/Flaking: Need Help


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I use 5% minoxidil daily with 2% Nizoral.

Since last week my skin is flaking especially frontal area. Should I switch to 1% Nizoral? I dont know whether minoxidil is causing this or Nizoral.

Any help will be appreciated.


The Gardener

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When did you start minoxidil? I am guessing that you are in your first or second months of minoxidil usage. That is a VERY common thing to happen for the first few months of minoxidil usage. For most of us, it goes away with time and continued Nizoral usage. It is completely normal, very predictable, and nothing to worry about despite it being a short term distraction.

If you've had it for 3 months or more, then perhaps you could try cycling in an alternate anti-dandruff shampoo such as T/Gel or T/Sal a couple days a week and see if it subsides.


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Yes, you are right. I am in 2nd month of minoxidil.

I added Nizoral 2% 2-weeks ago. I use it on Sundays and Wednesday. I am thinking of using Normal Strength T-Gel for remaining 5 days. I will pick it tomorrow.



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One more thing: Should I get T/Sal or T-Gel? and there are soo many versions.....I am confused :(

The Gardener

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Start off with the standard T/Gel... and I would only use it 2x week. No need to overmedicate.