Since i like my hair a lot, I tought I my try asking if everything is fine.


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Well, sometimes you get a little paranoid.

Here are some photos of my hair/hairline as of today.
I have very very long hair; I'm 20 years old.
I'm sure my hairline has receided a little (matured?) compared to when i was 16, and I just wanted to check.

1st is right side, 2nd is left side.

Photos taken with hair tied back tight (something that I never do) so you can see better.

Please no smartasses, or mentally-ill forum personalities;
Only looking for people that understand what they're talking about.



g.i joey

Senior Member
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dude wtf man you're not even balding!!!

no but actually i see a bit of miniaturized hair there but you seem to be in good shape, it could just be a mature hairline or male pattern baldness, but at this point id say wait till u notice anything out of the ordinary or any changes before you devide to get on treatment. Or you could be proactive and get on treatment if male pattern baldness runs in your family. The pic that really sold me on male pattern baldness was the hair pulled back pic.


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Yeah, miniaturized hair are a new thing (maybe 1 year) but I know everybody has some of that growing up, so that's not bugging me.
I'm not sure If male pattern baldness runs in my family or not; my father is in is 50s and still has good hair (actually more than good), of course, he has receided a little in the temples area over the year, but not by much. He ha a little of thinning (Maybe?) on the Top-back but he never uses heat dryers or anything, and that leaves hair a little flat, so it might be bed hair.
His father (my grandfather) was bald, while on my mother family, my grandfather has a head full of hair, and he is 73, with and incredible hairine, and not much grey hair too; he has 3 brothers, all older than him, and one has even better hair than a 18 year old, and he had chemotherapy, but his hair are incredible.
His other brother has male pattern baldness, not sure when he developed, but he is 81 now; not sure about the other brother, but their father had good hair.
As I said, I never tie my hair tight because I know how terrible is to hair's health and I take a lot of care since they are long.
I might do a test but not sure if it's the right time (?)
I see friends of my age that have worst hairline and overall hair than me, even if I kept growing them that long for the last 4-5 year (not that hair lenght actually matters).
You think I'm just over-paranoied?
I must say that I don't shed that much too, but when It happens it looks like a giant amount since they're curly and long, but actually counting them they're like....5-10 or something.
Thanks for the help

g.i joey

Senior Member
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I'd say for right now you should just live life and not worry. You have a solid family history to not worry for a while. Good luck


Established Member
My Regimen
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can you take a picture with your hair brushed forward...everyone is so concerned about their hairlines that they forget about their crowns and mid scalp
only reason I am saying this is because I want to look for diffuse thinning....also can you upload some wet pictures


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1st one is right after shampoo, 2nd and 3rd one are with conditioner on and 4th one is with hair dripping wet right out of the shower


New Member
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Your hair looks really good honestly. Enjoy life, but watch it. Take a picture in 6 months and assess it then. If it's noticeably worse, go see a doctor and they'll help you from there.


Established Member
My Regimen
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Forget treatments at this point because I see no evidence that you are balding...if you want an answer by an expert go to a hair transplant doctor and have them look closely for miniaturized hair
I don't understand the obsession with minoxidil on these forums since it does nothing to stop the cause of balding
If you were to start any treatment after talking to a hair transplant specialist then I personally think you should just go with finasteride.


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Thank you for all your help guys!
Yeah, I think starting with a treatment is a little too much, I just wanted to make sure everything is ok as of now.
Not that I'm experiencing anything really, I just woke up one day and get paranoid.
Sure, if something start to change I will visit an hair specialist.
Thank you again!

Captain Hook

Established Member
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Your hairline looks similar to mine, probably a bit better to be honest! If I were you I'd take pictures in about 3-6 months and see if anything's changed and then evaluate if you want to start treatment or not. In my case my hair is very important to me hence the choice of pursuing every avenue to prevent any further loss.


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Sooo, sorry to revive the thread, but I'm (not sure really) noticing a little more "visible skin" on top; not sure if depends on how I part my hair (I always part my hair the same way)

This is from 10 minuts ago


These 2 are with wet hair but taken on November 11 (Wet hair first, wet hair and conditioner second)


As I said, I'm not sure because it really depens on how the light it's my head / How I part my hair.

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Sooo, sorry to revive the thread, but I'm (not sure really) noticing a little more "visible skin" on top; not sure if depends on how I part my hair (I always part my hair the same way)

This is from 10 minuts ago


These 2 are with wet hair but taken on November 11 (Wet hair first, wet hair and conditioner second)


As I said, I'm not sure because it really depens on how the light it's my head / How I part my hair.

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I just took another pic (with headphones on) but with a different angle and it looks like there is nothing really (my hair are blond-ish, depending on the light, )


Established Member
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I see what you mean, but it's hard to tell. I think it's nothing and seeing that you have come back to this forum with new pictures after only 2 months of your initial post, makes me think even more that not much has changed.


Experienced Member
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As others have said it doesn't look like its balding at all, even when wet and brushed back. I certainly wouldn't recommend taking any treatments just yet.


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What I don't really get is that on my temples side there are some little hair here and there, but I know that means nothing.
There is a part of my hair again, on the temples/going to the forelock that are lighter in colour and a little in texture (Same lenght as the others) but that "appears" to be separated/could get separated (I understand that it is really hard to get the hell I'm saying) but since my hair are long it's hard to actually get that because long hair moves a lot.
I have more picture (these are from last month/mid last month). It really looks the same as my previous pics.
Maybe some experienced User can figure out what I'm trying to say.



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Snapped some more pics since the previous were with wet hair.
These are with dry hair.
1 and 3 shows that "separation" I was talkin about (which could be just parting their own way)
I you look with the zoom on pic 3 you can see what I mean.
The left side of the pating has thicker hair than the right side

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Snapped some more pics since the previous were with wet hair.
These are with dry hair.
1 and 3 shows that "separation" I was talkin about (which could be just parting their own way)
I you look with the zoom on pic 3 you can see what I mean.
The left side of the pating has thicker hair than the right side

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New Member
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I think you should keep doing you!

As long as you're not doing anything unhealthy you shouldnt worry... Be sure not to sit to long or veg out to many days... Thats what I blame myself for developing autoimmune thyroid. I wasnt taking care of myself and my body became susetible.