Simple question....who is the best?


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Ok, so a fairly contentious question, but

I have not been happy with my hair transplant I had from Dr. Rogers in the UK last year. He is a nice chap, an I probably could go back for a second procedure, but now I am worried that I still wont get the density I wanted.
I am only really thinning at the front about an inch and a half from the hairline.
Doesnt seem that there is anyone in Europe really capable of the density I want.

So I am looking to travel, and I want to know who is generally considered the best...

Please no beating around the bush, just names please.

I am thinking Feller at the moment.

One more question, will he be able to transplant new hairs between the old hair transplant hairs without shaving the area??


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Armani is always at the top of the list.

Hans Gruber

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armani,hasson and wong,cole,feller

these names spring up constantly,im sure there are many others just as competent but i should think a survey on here would give these names

as for the shaving thing i dunno


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Please stop saying Feller. There has never been a single Feller patient displayed on the web (or in real life) that had a remotely decent hairline, they all look unnatural and pluggy.

The others are all legitimate top docs.


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balloonman said:
Please stop saying Feller. There has never been a single Feller patient displayed on the web (or in real life) that had a remotely decent hairline, they all look unnatural and pluggy.

The others are all legitimate top docs.

thanks for the feedback...

looking at fellers photos, Im not too sure now..Again one tends to hear name spring up and his does alot.


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There is no best surgeon, it all comes down to the choice of the individual patient. There are however good and bad, competant and incompetant.
As for Feller I would describe him as overall a safe bet. I've never heard of a complaint against him and he has countless former patients who are willing to recommend him.


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If you want hairline density, Armani is your man, he does up to 100 grafts/cm2, can't get better than that.

IMO, Feller is overated and his hairlines are less than ideal.


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balloonman said:
Please stop saying Feller. There has never been a single Feller patient displayed on the web (or in real life) that had a remotely decent hairline, they all look unnatural and pluggy.

The others are all legitimate top docs.

I must say Baloonman, we have had our differences in the past but I could not agree with you more. I echo your sentiment that they appear pluggy.


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pete24 said:
balloonman said:
Please stop saying Feller. There has never been a single Feller patient displayed on the web (or in real life) that had a remotely decent hairline, they all look unnatural and pluggy.

The others are all legitimate top docs.

thanks for the feedback...

looking at fellers photos, Im not too sure now..Again one tends to hear name spring up and his does alot.

He advertises on HLH and is popular there but I think posters milk him there for info. I met with him and strictly told him I was interested in FUE only and he adamantly tried to sell me a strip along with a few unprofessional comments. All and all he 's a nice man but I think he's overrated because of the hype on HLH. He does some good work from time to time but not consistent as Hassan/wong, armani, Cole, rahal, shapiro to name a few.


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pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.


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LookingGood! said:
pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.


johnnyseville said:
LookingGood! said:
pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.

I can understand 70 in zone 1(front of the hairline), but if you go from 70 cm in front, to then some area of 60 g/cm2, and then some 50 in the mid scalp, that should be good, right?


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johnnyseville said:
LookingGood! said:
pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.

It's relative to the size of the area transplanted. If we are talking about just the hair loss 50 is fine on a Norwood 2. We may need more info from the subject to address this.


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JayMan said:
johnnyseville said:
LookingGood! said:
pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.

I can understand 70 in zone 1(front of the hairline), but if you go from 70 cm in front, to then some area of 60 g/cm2, and then some 50 in the mid scalp, that should be good, right?

I agree 100%. No reason to exhaust one's donor hair by trying to achieve such high densities throughout. IMO, the hairline is the mark of a great transplant and emphasize should be placed there.

BTW...JayMan, did you hear the news on dutasteride?


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LookingGood! said:
johnnyseville said:
[quote="LookingGood!":ee23c]pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.

It's relative to the size of the area transplanted. If we are talking about just the hair loss 50 is fine on a Norwood 2. We may need more info from the subject to address this.[/quote:ee23c]

To be honest, 50 would be a bare minimum from what I have seen only for those gifted with coarse hair, of course 100 may be overkill unless you have the donor for it and a good outlook for future hair loss. Some where in between is a good compromise.


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johnnyseville said:
LookingGood! said:
johnnyseville said:
[quote="LookingGood!":c8069]pete you dont need 100g/cm2 for an ultimate result. Densities at 50 show the illusion of something close to 100. All on the skill of the surgeon. Keep doing the research and see AS MANY IN PERSON AS POSSIBLE! Dont let travel stand in your way of success.

Depending on hair quality, hair/scalp contrast and existing density in surrounding areas, 50 graft/cm2 may not be sufficient. H&W routinely surpass 70 grafts.

It's relative to the size of the area transplanted. If we are talking about just the hair loss 50 is fine on a Norwood 2. We may need more info from the subject to address this.

To be honest, 50 would be a bare minimum from what I have seen only for those gifted with coarse hair, of course 100 may be overkill unless you have the donor for it and a good outlook for future hair loss. Some where in between is a good compromise.[/quote:c8069]

I disagree but that's me. Arent you a huge Armani supporter? If so I understand your hair greed.

The bare minimum blocks out the sun for many with it's "wall of hair" illusion of coverage. Me included.


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LookingGood! said:
I disagree but that's me. Arent you a huge Armani supporter? If so I understand your hair greed.

The bare minimum blocks out the sun for many with it's "wall of hair" illusion of coverage. Me included.

Not really, I just think that when it comes to hairlines he is the best. Overall, I like H&W.


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What about Bosley or MHR? Should I consider them? I'm thinning more in the back. Will an hair transplant fill that completely in? From most pics, it looks as if the crown is not as important to the Doctor. But in my case, its most important....

Does that mean I'm not a good candidate?


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odyssey said:
What about Bosley or MHR? Should I consider them? I'm thinning more in the back. Will an hair transplant fill that completely in? From most pics, it looks as if the crown is not as important to the Doctor. But in my case, its most important....

Does that mean I'm not a good candidate?

Stay away from both of these, bad news!