side effects of propecia


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I've been on propecia for over 1 year now, I stopped taking it about 2 weeks ago today.

Reason I stopped was because I found it wasn't fulfilling my expectations.

I do think it slowed my hair loss and help maintained, but I was holding out for it to grow some hair back.. which it did, but a very tiny amount.

I would still be on it but I've found and i think it can give a very realisitic look...

So my question is this,

I noticed that whilst i was on propecia, and im talking about the real stuff, not generic, etc... that it became harder to urinate... if you read the symptoms of BPH... I was basically having all of those.

After urinating, you'd feel like your bladder still wasn't empty,
it took a lot of effort to urinate... like it felt like you had to force it out! lol

and the dribbling after you've finished...

So, now that haven't been taking it for 2 or so weeks, I've actually noticed that the extra effort to urinate has now gone and that the feeling that the bladder isn't empty has also gone.

So why was this happening? Im only 24...

Does taking Propecia mess with your prostate?


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Finasteride is supposed to fix that problem in older men, not cause it. I also wonder why you had urinary problems at age 24, though they are gone. I think you should wait a few weeks and get back on it and see just how causal it is, and ask your doctor, if it is not to expensive to see the Doctor. If it does come back, and the Doctor seems to be guessing, just get off it. If the doctor sounds confident, and recommends sometbing that sounds safe, go with it.

As for, let me warn you that I read many places that unless you spend $10,000, everyone will know it is a wig, and it will wear out in weeks. The pics you see on the net are taken in the best of angles and lighting.

How much hair do you have left? Why not try wigs and propecia, and if propecia holds your hair for at least 5 years, get hair transplants if you only have a small area to fill? Are you shiny bald or do diffuse? What norwood are is your hair?


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Thanks for your reply.

I think I'm around a early NW2 - maybe NW3?


My hairloss pattern is some what strange, in that I'm losing from the left side of my hairline at the moment, the right side seems to be fine.

Basically it's diffusing on the left, and moving backwards, also... slowly.

Maybe Dutasteride is an option for me now?

I admire the fact that you've had HPs done at such a young age,
I would have transplants if I could - but I'm currently in College and don't have the finances for that. It's something I would definitely consider in the future.

Toplace was a site I found about a year ago and after reading their discussion board for about 1 year I think I've find a pretty good solution,
you make your own template for your hairloss, and it only costs about $150 USD for a custom made hairpiece... the life of them is around 3-4 months so it's a reasonably inexpensive option until I'm able to afford a Hair Transplant. I wouldn't even consider it if I hadn't of seen the experiences of others using it... and from their photos I think it's pretty awesome.



btw - those aren't "models" taken from the site, they are actual customers.


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are you wearing the hair piece in both pics? I can't tell

you are not even a NW2 yet. Unless you are wearing the hair piece in that picture, which I can't tell. If you have seen your hairline recede at all, hold a ruler up to your face and measure the distance from the bottome of the tip of your nose to the top of your eye brows. then measure the distance from the top of your eye brows to your hair line. Divide the second distance by the first distance. It should be about 0.8, though a few people are lower than that. Also watch your temples and make sure they don't look thinner than the center and are not more than 1/4 inch higher than the center. And another big one is to look at your vertex every few months. I've read posts by men who never knew there vertex was going until it was too late. My brother was one. From what I can see you are not loosing any hair. If you do get concerned and want to save your hair with propeicia but can't handle the side effects, make topical finasteride. This will give your follicles a higher dose while giving your body a much lower dose that you can handle. Most of the DHT damage in your hair is done by the DHT in your follicle, not the serum. The testes and some glands make testosterone, which goes to cells, which is where the 5AR molecules are which make DHT. They make what they need, and some leaks into the blood and is constantly replaced. Propecia nocks them out in hours, and DHT levels drop fast as well as the Liver gets rid of the small amount in the blood. You only need a topical because only the local DHT intracellular DHT really matters. The rest is maybe 10% of the problem.

In studies with ground up proscar pill paste, almost no good results came. This is because the paste is so think that the finasteride in all but the very bottom surface can't diffuse through the paste to the surface of the skin. Absoption is better in liquids or thin lotions, not pastes.

My topical finasteride (not the pastes that don't work) is good fro people who get side effects from Propecia but might tolerate very small doses or just want a higher concentration to their follicles. Shedmaster wanted more detailed directions, and I think this thread is more on this topic than my original post.

Since 5% minoxidil is close to the saturation point (7.5%), I would not want to risk precipitating more by putting some pill powder in it. Maybe some sugar would dissolve and compete with the minoxidil. The 2% minoxidil should be fine, though.

Step 1:
Cut a pill up as many times as is convenient with a pill cutter in 30 seconds or a minute without making a powdery mess or having difficulty. Just make small chunks with the closed top pill cutter so they don't get all over the place.

Step 2:
Dump the chunks in a shot glass or somthing with a small diameter for holding a small amount of fluid. It must be strong enough for grinding.

Step 3:
Add a few drops of 70% isopropyle rubbing alcohol to the chunks. This helps them break and keeps chunks from flying.

Step 4:
Use the handle of fat handled fork (one of those with plastic handles you can get at a 99 cent store) or some other medium hard, non-porous, rounded rodlike object that fits in the vial or shot glass but is not hard enough to scratch the glass. Very important if you don't want to get cut. Plastic is better.

Step 5:
Use that handle to grind the chunks up very good. Make a fine powder paste. Any chunks that are not fully crushed contain finasteride that will not get dissolved in the next step.
My homemade topical finasteride (not the pastes that don't work) is good for people who get side effects from Propecia but might tolerate very small doses or just want a higher concentration to their follicles. Shedmaster wanted more detailed directions, and I think this thread is more on this topic than my original post.

Since 5% minoxidil is close to the saturation point (7.5%), I would not want to risk precipitating more by putting some pill powder in it. Maybe some sugar would dissolve and compete with the minoxidil. The 2% minoxidil should be fine, though.

Step 1:
Cut desired number of pills (see bottom of post) up as many times as is convenient with a pill cutter in 30 seconds or a minute without making a powdery mess or having difficulty. Just make small chunks with the closed top pill cutter so they don't get all over the place.

Step 2:
Dump the chunks in a shot glass or somthing with a small diameter for holding a small amount of fluid. It must be strong enough for grinding.

Step 3:
Add a few drops of 70% isopropyle rubbing alcohol to the chunks. This helps them break and keeps chunks from flying.

Step 4:
Use the handle of fat handled fork (one of those with plastic handles you can get at a 99 cent store) or some other medium hard, non-porous, rounded rodlike object that fits in the vial or shot glass but is not hard enough to scratch the glass. Very important if you don't want to get cut. Plastic is better.

Step 5:
Use that handle to grind the chunks up very good. Make a fine powder paste. Any chunks that are not fully crushed contain finasteride that will not get dissolved in the next step.

Step 6a:
If you have a shot glass:
Fill the shot glass half or 2/3 the way with 2% minoxidil or 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. (5% might not dissolve it fast or you might loose minoxidil as a powder.) Hold it with one hand and seal the top with the other. Shake vigorously for 10-20 seconds. Put it down and let it settle for however long it takes while you rinse off your hand.
Step 6b:
If you just have a minoxidil bottle and ground the stuff on something else:
Use some 2% minoxidil or 70% isopropyl alcohol to rince the paste into a minoxidil bottle. Wipe and stir up the paste as needed so that you can rinse it off the grinding surface without using more than 1/3 a rogaine bottle volume of 70% alcohol or 2/3 a rogaine bottle of 2% minoxidil to rinse the paste into the bottle.

Step 7: Once it has settled enough that you see powder on the bottom and most of the volume is transparent liquid above it (it helps if used a clear vial or shot glass instead of a rogaine bottel), pour most of the liquid into anther rogaine bottle while being careful not to shake up the powder. You need to leave the behind, though a small amount is OK. If it shakes up, let it settle again, and next time use your rogaine dropper to suck the top off one mL at a time without agitating the powder on the bottom.

Step 8:
Rince the remaining powder down the drain. Probably 90% of the finasteride is now in your bottle.

Step 9:
Add minoxidil 5% or 2% to your new solution, to increase the minoxidil concentration. If you can't handle the 5%, use 2%. If 2% is too strong for you, then you should have just used the 70% isopropyl alcohol. The propylene glycol in rogaine is what irritates your scalp, but it also is what makes absorption go so well. This is a trade off that you will have to decide on. Your bottle now probably has 4.5mg finasteride depending on how well you ground it and shook it. You can dilute this with your other minoxidil or isopropyl alcohol to the amount you can tolerate without side effects.

To probably give your scalp the same finasteride concentation that 1mg/day orally would give, and give your body the same concentration that 0.05mg/day orally would have, the solution you would make from full proscar pill or 5 propecia pill should last you 50 days. Round it to 60 if you want and just dilute the bottle with a fresh minoxidil bottle.
This means you grind proscar or propecia pills per month. Proscar has more finasteride and less filler and will give you better solutions because less will be stuck to the filler.

To probably give your scalp the same finasteride concentration that 20 mg/day orally would give, and give your body the same concentration that 1 mg/day orally would give, whatever solution you made from one full Proscar pill or 5 propecia pills should last you 2.5 days. You need 12 Proscar pills or 4 finasteride pill for one month. It is hard to make less than a bottle, so the topical better not break down in a month. I use 4mL 2x a day, so I can use 3 pills and one bottle for 1 week if I want.

Minoxidil 2% and 5% are available at walmart in the equate brand for $17 for a 3-month supply. Proscar is $85-110 for 30 tablets.

Topical dutasteride is easier. Just squirt 4 capsules into month supply of minoxidil or 1 capsule into a week supply. This amount won't should be very therapudic and is the maximum dose guaranteed not to touch the 5AR1 in your brain. Higher doses are probably safe too.
While 1/3 of testosterone in patches is absorbed, and testosterone is very similar molecularly to finasteride, only 2/3 of finasteride is absorbed in the intestine, and is diluted in the body for systemic effects and used by the prostate, while the hair problem is in the follicle's own DHT production.
Bryan agrees with me that both topicals are safe, but doubts I have any proof that finasteride or dutasteride are stable in Rogaine or will be absorbed or will not be swept away by the blood before entering the follicles if they are absorbed. I plan to use both topicals in case one is not absorbed, and use them in 1 week batches to reduce the chances of break down, even though I doubt it will occur with the dutasteride.


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It is good you don't have money for "plugs"

Sometimes finances can save you from impulse desions that lead to disaster. Did you know that every kind of bad hair procedure is still practiced today by some doctor who claims to be using the latest techniques? I've browsed their web pages and even consided some of the procedures before I got educated about the best procedures. All of the qualified doctors charge between $3.5 and $6.5 per micro graft, and will not put more than 30 grafts per cm2 in one session. They use 100% grafts of 1-4 hairs, and uses fantastic magnification and internal and external sutures in back. There are only about 5 in the united states that are highly qualified, though the hairtransplantnetwork can narrow the list for you. You not need hair transplants unless you want to fill in areas that are completely hairless for over 2 years. i think you can thicken your hair with topical propecia and topical finasteride. Do not use my topical dutasteride since if it gives you side effects it will not leave your system for 2 months at the dose I'm advising. If you browse the hair transplant section you can read some horror stories from guys who wish they could shave their heads and have posted that they are considering suicided because of what at a butcher did to them in a doctors office.


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if it is too expensive, it is fake

many transplant docs and people selling pills and lotions charge so much and give discounts for larger orders because they know you won't be coming back and they want to get as much as they can out of you. A few charge so little because the service or product is inferior. The ones in the middle have a better chance of being legit.

You should use some 1% nizoral shampoo at Walmart, and look for a generic if you can, in a big bottle, and use it 2-3 times per week. It has week anti-androgen properties. I also recently ordered fluridil, but I'll talk about that more later, if it arrives.