Side Effects Dht/finasteride--- Why You Had High Sexdrive + A Fullhead Of Hair At 16/18 Years Old


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How can people get erection/sex drive problems after being on finasteride?

Think about it, when we were 16 to 18 years old, 99% of us had a full head of hair, and we were all FAPPING and getting ERECTIONS EVERYDAY/ALL THE TIME.

We had a super high sex drive, but we technically had little to no dht production...... because we still had all our hair!.

.... So technically if you actually block DHT, you should get your hair back and theres almost no way your sex drive would be affected.... because why would it be affected??? you were fine at 16-18 with a super high sex drive and no DHT in your system!


But guys with a full head of hair and zero signs of male pattern baldness have the same DHT levels as bald dudes.... maybe we shouldnt block dht and it actually has a use. We were fine at 16 to 18 years old tho, best of both worlds : hair and a functioning dick+high sexdrive... whats going on here?

About post finasteride syndrome: All the side effects are probably just in their head? Because even if they have bad erection/sex drive problems, when they do their blood test, testosterone is at the healthy levels most of the time.

Is DHT actually useless? do we really need it?
women have sex drive and they dont have dht in their body....

do you guys beleive the post finasteride syndrome?

Let me know what you guys think about this below. im trying to have a good understanding of what's going on here
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We had a super high sex drive, but we technically had little to no dht production...... because we still had all our hair!.

This is incorrect, DHT is used during puberty and there would definately be DHT production at the ages you mentioned. It's the follicle's sensitivity to DHT that goes up with age which causes hair loss.


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This is incorrect, DHT is used during puberty and there would definately be DHT production at the ages you mentioned. It's the follicle's sensitivity to DHT that goes up with age which causes hair loss.

Yep. All the cell's machinery chugs along to keep doing what they do, including the hair follicles. But, by some not understood mechanism, dht, over time, drags on the process, eventually stopping full maturation of hair. Or another analogy, you might not make a dent in the wall pounding your fist against it the first time, but eventually you punch through. Of course, it's more complex than just one factor being involved, but dht is the big cog in the machine. Another thing to realize, is age 16 is about the peak of core human biologic development. Hormones continue on to add more mass, muscle, beard growth in males, but genetically the aging process begins.


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Yep. All the cell's machinery chugs along to keep doing what they do, including the hair follicles. But, by some not understood mechanism, dht, over time, drags on the process, eventually stopping full maturation of hair. Or another analogy, you might not make a dent in the wall pounding your fist against it the first time, but eventually you punch through. Of course, it's more complex than just one factor being involved, but dht is the big cog in the machine. Another thing to realize, is age 16 is about the peak of core human biologic development. Hormones continue on to add more mass, muscle, beard growth in males, but genetically the aging process begins.

But it's still weird that we keep the hair on the sides for so long. Maybe it's because theres more muscles on the back and sides of our head. As we can see, it's probably the Cranial aponeurosis aka galea aponeurotica, this is the guilty part, the accumulation of DHT is probably stuck up there, literally. And we still can't find a 100% safe way to immune those follicles to DHT....why do i feel like it shouldnt be that hard.


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I don't hold much confidence in the galea theory as a root cause. I'm inclined toward the possibility of a genetic basis for the immunity of hair follicles on the side of the head. So, I'm banking on Tsuji cloning some of those follicles and slapping them on top. Hopefully, before I'm dead.


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We had a super high sex drive, but we technically had little to no dht production...... because we still had all our hair!.

.... So technically if you actually block DHT, you should get your hair back and theres almost no way your sex drive would be affected....


But guys with a full head of hair and zero signs of male pattern baldness have the same DHT levels as bald dudes.... maybe we shouldnt block dht and it actually has a use.


About post finasteride syndrome: All the side effects are probably just in their head? Because even if they have bad erection/sex drive problems, when they do their blood test, testosterone is at the healthy levels most of the time.

I have read many many pfs cases over the yearrs and usually there is some anomaly to be found in the blood results. PFS is still not very well understood but there is some evidence that points out that it is more likely to be a neurological issue than a hormonal one.

Is DHT actually useless?


do we really need it?


women have sex drive and they dont have dht in their body....

Women also have boobs, it's called gender.

do you guys beleive the post finasteride syndrome?


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Yep. All the cell's machinery chugs along to keep doing what they do, including the hair follicles. But, by some not understood mechanism, dht, over time, drags on the process, eventually stopping full maturation of hair. Or another analogy, you might not make a dent in the wall pounding your fist against it the first time, but eventually you punch through. Of course, it's more complex than just one factor being involved, but dht is the big cog in the machine. Another thing to realize, is age 16 is about the peak of core human biologic development. Hormones continue on to add more mass, muscle, beard growth in males, but genetically the aging process begins.
H a n d s o m e G r e y M a n .


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From my experience your hair starts reducing in size per follicle once you hit puberty. Hairloss is a slow progress for some. Also dht is believed to increase as we age so is our succeptability to it.