side effect?!?! help


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I've been talking rogaine foam for about 2months. I've also been taking finastaride for about 1 month and one week.

I don't know what is the part of the body called but i feel pain slightly above my penis. the pain lasts for about 2 seconds and goes away. it's been happening more frequently.

i'm afraid. i've read really bad stories about finastaride.....i don't want to quit...

should i give up the pill?

My doctor doesn't know i'm taking finastaride. I have an appointment in 2 weeks.


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Don't give it up. The more you read about potential sides the worse it will be because you're telling your mind you should experience sides, this will cause you to believe finasteride is causing certain side effects even if it's not. Also, sometimes sides are noticeable after 1-3 months but they often go away. Hang in there, and keep taking it.


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I had the same kind of thing and it went away eventually. I'm thinking it could be the prostate?


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kc444, I checked google pics for prostate. It could definitely be that and makes sense because finasteride was used for prostate enlargement.

Thanks for the motivation, rtc84.

Ben, I think my doctor wouldn't know much. I'm still with a pediatrician (turned 18 august 2011). Might end up transferring to an adult doctor.