Side affect



There is someone here that sufferd long time , and he thought that sexusal side is from propecia but in the end he realized it just in the head?


If the hormons is ok , there are more reasons of sides?
What i need to check ? And to recover? My blood test is ok.
I took 0.5 mg of finasteride once in two days for two months and i got sides .
But after i quit the sides got worse, and when i don't think about it get better.
I suffer three months or more, what can i do?
Please i don't know what to do. Please help.


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jonson said:
If the hormons is ok , there are more reasons of sides?
What i need to check ? And to recover? My blood test is ok.
I took 0.5 mg of finasteride once in two days for two months and i got sides .
But after i quit the sides got worse, and when i don't think about it get better.
I suffer three months or more, what can i do?
Please i don't know what to do. Please help.

stay easy,
for some sides takes longer to disappear

only if after 6 months at least situation did not improve u need to contact some expert

in the meantime go to a normal andrologist


Thank you for response.
I dont know what to do , i dont have any side without sexual,
And also after 3 weeks off propecia my blood test was ok.


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pfs is a rare condition, u have lot of chance to regain your old self

only if after long time u didn't regain ur previous healty state u could try some experimental recovery protocol

if u want i give u a mail of one guy that is in contact with researchers and u could partecipat to an ongoing study

PFS is a recent condition, no sure answers from doctors.

but again it's rare, so don't panick


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Yes. Roughly a month into treatment, I experienced sexual side effects for a while. I actually went on a trip out to a cabin in the mountains with my girlfriend, got away from it 'all' (stress of life mostly) and realized I could function perfectly fine sexually. I concluded that the stress of my life, and worry about having side effects on propecia were actually causing them to happen. Dawning on this realization, I notice I don't run into sexual problems unless life starts getting really stressful.

I don't think my experience is unique, but I also don't discredit the fact that you can get real side effects on propecia. It's quite difficult to distinguish between the two.