should i use minoxidil 5%?


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hey guys, i am an 18 years old male who just started losing hair on the crown area of the scalp,i am consider using minoxidil 5%.. is it a good decision?what are some products to regrow hair?
and oh yeah, this may sound weird but if one wants to use minoxidil or other products not because of hair loss, but he wants to have more hair, would that actually lead to losing hair because of shedding?


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If you have questions about products, the Hairlosstalk Home page has plenty of info

Minoxidil has been proven to regrow hair, but its one of many products you should be using

see a dermatologist right away, have him do a few tests and write you a prescription for Propecia (If you have Male Patten Baldness)

then add in Minoxidil and Nizoral Shampoo (16 bucks for a 7 oz bottle :freaked2: )

that should definitely do it, I cant promise anything, but it'll increase your chances by 80 percent of stopping the hairloss, just so as long as you keep using them