Should I tell


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My wife and I have just noticed our 20 year old son is thinning round the crown and is now noticable since his hair cut. We don't think he knows. Do we tell him so it wont be a shock when others tell him or do we let others tell him. We are undecided how to bring up the subject. His grandfather was bald by 24. Sensible advice is welcome please.


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Definately tell him. It's better to hear it from his parents than from a bunch of insensitive teenagers.

The sooner you tell him the sooner he can begin treating his hairloss.


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Thanks for responding. I know he will feel self-conscious about it once we tell him. Have you any advice on making him feel 'better' about it?


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In my oppinion he already knows. Teenagers are very concerned with their appearance today. So unless he's the scientist type I'm pretty sure he knows. The best thing you can do for him is to get him on minoxidil or maybe the whole Big 3 treatment. I don't think you can do anything to make him feel better because the people he hangs out with will make so much more of an impact on his self esteem than his parents oppinion.


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Thanks for the advice.

I've been researching this today and I am not keen on the propecia drug's side effects for someone his age. It's not very noticable and being tall the top bit would only be seen when he is sitting. It was definitely not noticable at Easter when he came home from college. An 'expert' on the radio said that if someone starts losing hair at 19/20 they will lose the rest quickly. Is that an accepted truth?

Minoxidil seems to have about a 70% chance of stopping further loss but I was also wondering about the anti-androgens. Were these your big 3?


big 3 are

Nizoral shampoo applied in place of your normal shampoo every 3 days

Minoxidil applied twice per day, with 1 mL each time

and Propecia 1.0 mg once per day

He's at the age wher it would be fine for him to get on propecia. I was 21 when I started it. He needs the Propecia to block the DHT that is the main source of his balding.

And side effects only occur in 4% of people. Some of them are placebo affects as well like loss of libido while on the drug. I wouldn't worry about that because your son will be getting a lot less sex if he is bald at 21, so focus on the hair problem.

So he needs to get on those three- yeah.

What's your family history like?

Are you bald? Is your wife bald? How about grandparents and great grandparents? What ages did any of you bald if you did?



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Nice to hear propecia may not be too bad. I started at 43, crown and receeding but now 52 and not much happened over the last few years. It's his mother's side. His grandfather went bald from about 22 to 28 years old. Thanks.

Edit: Just been reading the thread of yours. Interesting. Have you noticed anything with your treatments yet?

Fallout Boy

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first of all i hope YOU tell your son yourself don't talk to him with you AND your wife...i'm sure he would be more comfortable having a father son talk where his mom isn't involved. Just how i would feel anyways.

And yes tell him and make sure he knows theres treatment for it and that this site exists


good to hear that your side's genetics are not bad. i that's good for you at least. i have the opposite situation. my matetrnal grandpa is now balding at 80 a tiny bit and my dad is quite a bit bald at 50. so my dad's side is the culprit.

ive only been on treatments for 7 weeks so too early to see regrowth, but i haven't lost any more hair. i only come up with a couple hairs in my hands when i run my hands through my hair vigorously, and i only find a hair or two on my pillow each morning, so that's good news.

but yeah, for your son, propecia is the single best thing he can get because it directly INHIBITS type II DHT which is the main cause of male pattern baldness. minoxidil won't stop the balding process- all it does is grow hair. So if your son only has a tiny bit of recession then honestly I would hold off on the minoxidil. He may not even end up needing it. Propecia can regrow a bit of hair on its own on the crown which may be all he needs.

Where would you say your mom's dad, you, and your son are on this chart?


it's a chart that tracks male pattern baldness and he may not even be a 2 yet, that's quite possible. i'm a 1 to 1.5 myself so not on it yet.


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Thanks Falloutboy and JayMan. Glad it seems to be working.

I'm confused about a couple of things. The radio program I listened to had an expert called Philip Kingsley who has a clinic in London. He also writes in The Times newspaper and seems to be well known and an expert. When researching the internet yesterday, it said his clinic was doing research to compare anti androgens and procecia in 2003. I phoned them for the result and this lady said they found procepia didn't work whereas their anti andgrogen lotion did. They also have a treatment that includes minoxidil. This seems to go against other clinics views and people using procepia but it may have been the lady didn't really know.
I also thought that minoxial was mostly for the crown and did maintain hair but was no good for receeding hair.

So would anyone please clarify the following summary form what I've read recently:

1. Procepia - basically safe, best take a low dose, useful for maintenance in all areas. Possible side effects.

2. Minoxidil - good for the crown area, applied twice daily, no side effects, possible regrowth and maintenance.

3. Anti-androgens - applied like minoxidil. maintenance and regrowth. Which applied first? Are some anti- androgens better than others?

4. Protein breakfast - apparently new research has found breakfast is important to thinning hair.



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pratc said:
4. Protein breakfast - apparently new research has found breakfast is important to thinning hair.


...really? Got a link to a study or something?


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the radio show sounds like a scam. many scams contain minoxidil so they can say they are FDA approved. We already know that no topical anti-androgen is as effective as propecia. Propecia will probably maintain his hair and regrow a little. Anti-androgens will just slow down the loss, and are effective only in combination with propecia.

I just realized I know the radio show is a scam, since they said propecia does not work, when it has been proven to work on several thousand men in 5 year FDA phaseIII trials.

It is important to tell him about his hair loss and get him started on treatments, such as the big three.

Don't buy anything from that scam radio show.


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Sorry if I misled. It wasn't the radio show that said propecia didn't work. It was a lady at their office. I've emailed tham for clarification. To listen to the interview do this:

then click 'Listen again' on the right side.
then go to 'Chris Evans' and click 'wed'

The interview is between 15 mins and 25 mins into the show. you can click to advance by 15 mins.
It wasn't a scam. I believe he is an authority on hair.


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as to the original point, I would assume that I'm not alone in wishing that my parents (my dad especially) had prepared me for hair loss and helped me with treatment. the earlier you catch it the better your chances for success.


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what a lucky son, i wish i had parents liek that, i ask my parents about my hairloss. they kept denying it, just keep saying don't worry about it (my dad is balding also)


Yes, you should definetly tell him before it becomes noticeable to others. My mother also was like "Don´t worry, I still love you!"...... :roll:


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pratc said:
Sorry if I misled. It wasn't the radio show that said propecia didn't work. It was a lady at their office. I've emailed tham for clarification. To listen to the interview do this:

then click 'Listen again' on the right side.
then go to 'Chris Evans' and click 'wed'

The interview is between 15 mins and 25 mins into the show. you can click to advance by 15 mins.
It wasn't a scam. I believe he is an authority on hair.

Listen, all you should care is that the three proven treatments are:

Finasteride (DHT inhibitor-oral), Minoxidil (topical growth stimulator) and Nizoral shampoo(overall scalp health). Anyone or any company knocking any of these products out is just scamming you. There is no other explanation. That lady who told you propecia doesn't work is an idiot.

I've been reading this site for a while and I have never felt the need to post until now. Don't get scammed.

There are other treatments like topical anti-androgens and SODs (Super oxide dismutase--copper peptides) that have some clinical backing, but they work better with the three proven treatments. I wouldn't even consider them until you have done enough research.

BTW, I would have also loved that my parents told me I was balding instead of just denying it.


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Thank you everybody for the input, time and great advice.

About the propecia, i got an email back about various things and the relevant bit is,
" In answer to your second email, the study we carried out on Propecia showed that there was no regrowth of hair that had been lost in patients taking it, which is what it was claimed it could do. Whilst it has anti-androgen properties, this is also achieved by use of our drops, and although a few of our patients still obtain Propecia from their own doctors to use as well as the drops, the vast majority of patients do not wish to take treatment orally, preferring topically applied treatment".

The original lady on the phone said it didn't work so this has now been corrected and clarified.

So they are saying their drops are (nearly?) as good as oral. I've nearly done all the research I can cope with.

Thanks again.


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Like I told you, Finasteride (oral---propecia, finpecia, proscar etc), Minoxidil (rogaine etc) and ketoconazole (nizoral shampoo) are the three basic things anyone suffering from hairloss should consider first. The other stuff you hear about is things you can complement with and have some clinical proof, but as for most proven in most men: FINASTERIDE, MINOXIDIL AND NIZORAL SHAMPOO.

Then and only THEN should anyone add something, like a topical anti-androgen or an SOD.

I remember when I was deciding to get on propecia, I was weighing in the sides, the loss of libido etc. Well, I guess you just have to decide what is more important for you. In my case, I was so miserable losing my hair that I didn't give two shits about the sides and just took the pill. Best thing I could ever do. I had an even lower libido BEFORE taking finasteride because I was so depressed about my hairloss!!

However, the pill does have its sides and like I said, it is just a matter of what you think is worth more. For me, it was an easy choice. There are some people who cannot tolerate it, then and only then should you consider a topical anti-androgen. BUT NEVER BEFORE EVEN TRYING the proven treatments.


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pratc said:
Thanks for the advice.

I've been researching this today and I am not keen on the propecia drug's side effects for someone his age. It's not very noticable and being tall the top bit would only be seen when he is sitting. It was definitely not noticable at Easter when he came home from college. An 'expert' on the radio said that if someone starts losing hair at 19/20 they will lose the rest quickly. Is that an accepted truth?

Minoxidil seems to have about a 70% chance of stopping further loss but I was also wondering about the anti-androgens. Were these your big 3?

No its not true. i have been thinning since i was 17, I am now 37. my hair is thin but still have decent coverage" a diffuse NW2". however, have been using minoxidil since 1994. it may have slowed down the process.