Should I start foam yet?


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My hair is still relatively thick with some recession in the temple region. I started propecia a little over 2 weeks ago. I placed an order for the foam, but I am concerned to starting just yet. I have my best friends wedding comming up in a couple of months and dont want to start shedding as my hair is still pretty managable for styling. I am very new to this and would appreciate any help/advice.


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you should post a pic if you can

from my experience there is a shed period and if your hair is still thick maybe you'd want to hold off for now, thats up to you.


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Yea....I am generally pretty computer literete, but I cant figure out how to post a picture


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MSU4life said:
My hair is still relatively thick with some recession in the temple region. I started propecia a little over 2 weeks ago. I placed an order for the foam, but I am concerned to starting just yet. I have my best friends wedding comming up in a couple of months and dont want to start shedding as my hair is still pretty managable for styling. I am very new to this and would appreciate any help/advice.

Yeah, I hear you about the wedding. I have a heavily thinned right temple and I was barely able to cover it about a month ago for my sister's wedding. My hair seems to have really thinned out all over, but noticeably in my right temple. Other portions aren't noticeable, but for being nearly 3m since my last hair cut, my hair isn't as thick or 'unmanagable' as it's always been.

It sucks that I had to cancel my dermatologist appt .. now I have to wait until May to see one, so he can tell me its male pattern baldness or something else.


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0 I am trying to get some sort of a plan in order. I am sorry if this is extremely elementry, but I am new to this. I keep reading about great regrowth stories from the foam, I am not going to start until after the wedding. so for right now this is a non-issue, but I want to attack this as effectively as possible to maximize the long-term benefits. I am on propecia and bought nizoral, those who have used the "big 3" how long would you wait to start the foam? Thanks again.

P.S. I still cant figure out how to get a pic up.


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Ok weddings over and I just got back vacation.....I am about ready to start foam when I read warning on back of package that says "do not use for frontal baldness or receding hair line". Whats the deal with this? How come I have never heard this mentioned before?

Chemical J

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Don't listen to that it grows hair wherever you put it.

The reason it says that is because it wasn't tested there.