Should I quit Minoxidil?


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Hello all,

I have been using Minoxidil for the past year. After a while or so I noticed some improvement but in the past few months I lost a lot of hair, especially in the places where I apply minoxidil (hairline and sides). My hair has also thinned on the crown quite a bit.

1)Should I just quit it as it obviously doesn't do me any good?
2)What would happen if I quit?
3)Will I lose even a lot more hair?

FYI I started propecia about a week ago.


Established Member
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What would happen if I quit now? Is it possible for it to contribute to my hairloss at this point?


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I agree, I would keep using it regardless. If all goes well, that propecia will help you keep what you've grown and hopefully more if you continue using it.

But ya since it's only been a week, keep doing it. We won't know your real results and how you've been responding for some months.
