should i make the switch to dutasteride?


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still trying to decide if i should make the jump to dutasteride, i've been on finasteride for 4 years and it seems to be losing it's effectiveness but the more i read the more confused i become. any advice?
I'm 38 with significant recession and diffuse thinning.


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I'm at this crossroad myself... though I've been on finasteride for 8+ years. I'd like to hear from people who have made the switch and their success/failure that follows. A word of advice, longtime - Don't go off the finasteride! I stopped under the impression that it was no longer working and lost a shitpile of hair.


Dutasterid is no way the side effects to big

Put in your minoxidil 3x5mg proscar



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thanks dweez, i made that mistake too, not because I thought it wasn't working but because I thought I had come to terms with my hairloss and was ready to just let nature take it's course, what a dumb *** i was for thinking that!!! lost most of what i gained/maintained and now that i'm back on it does seem to be working so well this time around, thought maybe dutasteride could give me the bump i needed?


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What about adding a natural dht blocker, longtime? I've been taking 400mg/day of beta sitosterol for a couple months and it seems to be having some sort of effect. Shedding seems about the same but I am noticing some new vellus hair along my hairline. I'm think I'm going to give it 6 months, compare to my baseline, and take the dutasteride plunge if things look worse.


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don't know alot about the natural dht blockers like beta sitosterol, just always assumed they couldn't possibly work as well as the chemicals, maybe i'm a skeptic but i will research a little more, I do have high cholesterol and will likely have top start taking medication for that shortly (if i plan on living long enough to see my hair grow back). so maybe beta sitosterol would at least help me there.
I've been back on finasteride for about 6 months and started topical spironolactone about 2 months ago when it was coming clear that the finasteride alone was doing the trick.
at that time, went from dr lee's xandrox15 to 15+ for no other reason then it was only $4 more and assumed it wouldn't hurt the regimine.
so far i'm not any worse then i was 2 months ago, but not any better either.


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longtime said:
still trying to decide if i should make the jump to dutasteride, i've been on finasteride for 4 years and it seems to be losing it's effectiveness but the more i read the more confused i become. any advice?
I'm 38 with significant recession and diffuse thinning.

Stay on finasteride!

I'm in the same boat. Proscar helped me maintain for four years, but my temples started receding faster than the French. I've added minoxidil to my regime with great results... perhaps you give minoxidil a try before switching to (imho, the last resort) dutasteride.


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thanks, but i've been on minoxidil for about 15 years, went from 2 to 5 to 15% over that time, definetly had some good results with minoxidil, finasteride, nizoral combo over the years, but think i've about reached that "last resort" stage.
seems to me that noone would reccomend dutasteride and I should just stay with finasteride, is that correct?


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I was taking propecia for several months and still was loosing hair constantly,

Ive only been on dutasteride for 9 days, N i am now loosing thin 5 hairs a day
Im taking 2.5mg and only experienced side effects for a few days.
So far i would recomend it.
Who knows though i may experience shedding in a month or so.
check the other thread.


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I took finasteride for about 8 months with no results and my hair got much worse. I have been on dutasteride for about a month along with rogaine and things seem to be getting better. BTW I am on .5 mg of dutasteride daily and applying rogaine foam twice a day.