Should I give up....


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Ok I've been on finasteride for 8 and a half months now, and 5% foam for just over 1 month. Im STILL losing up to 20-30 hairs just when I apply foam, and about 10-15 on my pillow every night. granted, i naturally shed a lot of hair even in the back....but does this all sound like a male patern baldness that is way too agressive for these medications to really work? (note: i dont wanna go on dutasteride, so that option is no good)


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if i ran my hands thru my head in the shower ide lose about the same amount. i dont think the loss has ramped up much since i started using foam but it hasnt gone down either

the thing is that if i run my hand thru the back of my head Ill sometimes lose like 10 hairs too, and i have a very high regrowth rate (when i buzz my head or beard it takes no time to grow back) I'm not sure if this high shedding is a symptom of aggressive male pattern baldness or just my natural rate


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i would stick at it, i have been buzzing my head. I have been on the finasteride for 8 months and foam 5 maybe 6. I am noticing a difference. my pics are in success storys. I found taking it with grapefruit juice seemed to make difference? maybe allin my head but its worth a go. and i gave up smoking to. good luck man!


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hopeman keep the hair short no longer then an inch and stick to the big 3 for a good 6 months, dont worry about those hairs coming lose you would of lost them anyway, i know it sucks to see hairs coming out but you have to have faith in them returning much stronger. defintly keep hair short for a while i say quater of an inch so shedding doesnt bother you and you will be able to see new hairs coming in. i think any1 starting on the big 3 should not have hair longer then an inch just because your going to see a huge amount of hair falling out and panic but those with a nice short haircut wont notice the hairs falling out and see the hairs coming in easier.


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do the hairs that fall out have a possibility of coming back? or is hair lost to male pattern baldness lost for good? im sorry if these questions are uninformed, but im new to this whole ordeal


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dont see it as hairs that are fallin out when applyin rogain as lost forever but as making way for new hairs to come in thicker. also you said you been on foam for a month i think its just shedding TELOGEN hairs wich only grow for a 100 days anyway. you can tell if they are telogen hairs if they have a white bulb on the end. i have been noticing all the hairs i shed are those types from rogaine foam. there usally no longer then an inch also and some of them look like eylashes. also u said you been on finasteride for 8months and between the months of 7-9 on propecia is when people see the biggest sheds. in a month i have a feeling your hair is going to look the best its ever been in a while, just dont give up and you will be rewarded.


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phish said:
hopeman keep the hair short no longer then an inch and stick to the big 3 for a good 6 months, dont worry about those hairs coming lose you would of lost them anyway, i know it sucks to see hairs coming out but you have to have faith in them returning much stronger. defintly keep hair short for a while i say quater of an inch so shedding doesnt bother you and you will be able to see new hairs coming in. i think any1 starting on the big 3 should not have hair longer then an inch just because your going to see a huge amount of hair falling out and panic but those with a nice short haircut wont notice the hairs falling out and see the hairs coming in easier.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh it must be nice being a guy in this situation. If I cut my hair short like that, folks would think I'm butch!! (I'm a chic). :lol: