Should hair follicles always fall out after transplant?


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Hi. I got 1,200 grafts hair transplant 10 days ago. I lost quite a lot of hair follicles that came out with the crusts. Those hair follicles that managed to stay are growing longer already. Almost at the same rate as all my other hairs. I don't see any reason why they would fall out as stated my most physicians. Has anyone ever managed to grow their original transplanted follicles without losing them first? I am very excited about this. Maybe I can skip the whole waiting for 3-4 months for new follicles to grow ordeal. Also, I heard there's some sort of spray or cream that keep hairs from going into resting phase after transplant thus allowing them to grow without waiting the 3-4 months. I heard it from the sales consultant at the hairclub for men. I forgot what the name of that stuff is. Has anyone heard of that stuff?

Also, I lost some hair follicles without bleeding, but I did see a crater in that position. Does that mean I lost the graft?


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1200 grafts is such a small procedure that if done over a large surface area, or while you are young, it is not uncommon for some hairs to start growing right away. That happened to me when i did 13 grafts per cm2. You are not loosing follicles, just hairs. The follicles are shocked into telogen and will start growing out in 3-6 months, and will start off thin and take another 6 months to full thicken and mature.