Shopping for a laser comb on eBay


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Hi gang,

Laser combs seem to be getting a lot of press lately so its got me thinking ...

Dropped into eBay to shop for a laser comb and there seems to be a number of products with varying prices:

- RayMax: ~ $90.00 CDN (9 lasers)
- LASER-RAY: ~ $90.00 CDN (10 lasers)
- Laser Max: ~ $420.00 CDN (50 lasers)
- Laser 9: ~ $75.00 CDN (9 lasers)
- LaserWand: ~ $150.00 CDN
- Hairpro: ~ 150.00 CDN (36 lasers)

So there are plenty of choices for all budgets. Any recommendations? Any to stay away from? Are the less expensive ones cheap knock offs of the original? For 90 bucks, I don't mind giving it a shot. Thanks in advance.