Doug Jarvis

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Is shock loss temporary or does the hair grow back? Does it all grow back? I have had hair transplant's but my Doctor never mentioned shock loss. I did notice that the hair transplant were often traumatic. Later, I noticed that it seemed that I had far less hair than before I had the hair transplant. Not sure if it all grew back or that the new transplanted grafts just made it look that way.

So, does shockloss hair grow back and what % of it grows back? How long does it take to grow back? Thanks!

Doug Jarvis

Reaction score
Thanks, D. I'm supose I was going to lose some of that hair evntually it's just that I lost so much aftter the surgery it seemed. I'm hoping that a most of it grows back in any kind of form :)

Doug Jarvis

Reaction score
Hi, a.

I'm an older guy who had his first hair transplant back in 1984 when the state of hair transplant's was not very advanced. I had good density in my donor area then and that helped make up for a lot of incompetence ( or lack of knowledge ) on the part of 2 docs who worked on me then. Back then the hair transplant's were mostly to cover up hair loss in the frontal area. In the 90's I began to lose hair in the crown area and am now a ~ Norwood 6 if I did not have the transplants. Still, I have very thin transplanted hair in my Norwood 6 area.

The last 3 hair transplant';s I had were most to correct their bad work and add a few new grafts. Still, it seemed the shockloss I experienced was high. I reccommend going with a reputable Doctor, with a proven track record who you trust. If you do that I think you will have a better experience than I had.