Shedding on Nothing


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HI guys I was wondering if anyone has any experience with Shedding not on meds

Recently my head has just started spitting hair out, all over the place...

I am a 25 year old male, I have a slightly recceding hairline but a fairly thick head of hair which admittedly feels thinner currently

I have seen a dermatologist who was USELESS he couldnt even explain how male pattern baldness works which was embarasing.... I had to explain it to him (maybe thats why he was bald) ... he said the shedding all over probably wasn't linked to the hairline issue which he refered to as very slight...though very real

There is no history of hairloss in the family until later life and my dad has his juvenile hairline and my maternal grandfather diead at 97 with plenty...

BUT whilst writing this i have removed 5 hairs from the keyboard.... every time i look down theres another...

I lose 20-70 showering ....there's just lots appearing everywhere realy every time i look down they are on my clothes etc. I did the "white paper test" and lost 40ish in a few ruffles..... , I have been suffering from pretty cronic stress which is why I havn't strted meds yet as I want to see if the shedding clears up with removal of stress... but nothing so far...

Any info or experience would be of great help... horror stories and negtive comments aren't really what im after before the cynics and apocalyptic folk jump in!

cheers S

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The "Dermatologist" also mentioned a Tellogen Effluvium was possible, but not sure and was no way of telling, he also mentioned I may or may not have male pattern baldness.... the guy was worth every penny! (NOT)

something else interesting to note is if i take a little tug on my eyebrows I lose a lot too i tugged my left eyebrow and got 8 hairs and right eyevrow got 4... so it could be linked??


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He was private. And not cheap!

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I personaly put it down to male pattern baldness with maybe some stress related aggravation do to increased hormone production., but before jumping on meds, I want to know what is going to work and what isn't, as I have read about people with hyper-androgen..something (I forget the name) dont respond to dht meds in the same way as it is just that there is too much of it rather than an increased sensitivity.. would i be right or wrong on that?

Quantum Cat

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confirms my theory that despite all the naysayers, NHS doctors are just as good (or bad) as private ones.

that said, dermatologists are expert in skin related conditions (hence the name) whereas trichologists specialise in hair.

shedding isn't a sign of male pattern baldness. Everyone sheds hair - its' normal. If you think you're shedding more than usual then it's for some other reason. If it's shedding and not growing back then it's probably a different form of alopecia, possibly Telogen Effluvium like the derm said. The only way to know for sure is to see another, hopefully better doctor.


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thanks quantum, i defo have a cheeky receeding hairline also but i would agree this is excessive, i've just looked down at my keyboard and there is 8 hairs on it since i last lookded down, 100 a day, i lose 100 an hour!

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and also yes i would agree, I have come accross some great NHS doctors, real Knowledge banks on various ailments and have helped me through a few tough ones, this guy had no idea the time of day... I dont think it makes a difference really some people are just good and passionate about what they do others are not!


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Big sheds can be linked to stress. When I was 18 I went through huge shed that lasted 3 days. Hair were everywhere, hundreds of hair.
But the hair that I lost eventually grew back. Back then I had no idea why it happened. Now I know it was related to stress in my life. It was toughest year in my life but I was able to recover.

I hope your shed will stop soon and you will be able to regrow your hair.


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cheers rcom, great to hear someone who can relate.... its been going 6 weeks at the moment (that I have noticed) but my stress hasn't gone away so we shall see! My hair looks like Crap! also having some issues with H-pylori bacteria which apparently could be messing up my cortisol levels so im doing my research and i think it could be related...


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Please remember that all the hair that you lost you can regrow naturally with time and patience. Try to limit your stress level and also find a good doctor. I wish you best.


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yea hope so... a lot of it appears minaturised so im not 100% that its just a Telogen Effluvium it may be that mixed in with some aggravated male pattern baldness... I hope i can suss it out cos iv certainly lost my 100 for today and then some (11.00am) got an appointment with a tricologist for 2 weeks (cheers quantum for clarifying that) so hopefully she can give me a diagnosis and help me move forward, until then i shall be trying to remain calm (but probably failing)

i had extremely dense hair, but looking at photos, Itd be safe to say I've lost half of it some time in the last 2 years or so, although the derm said my density was still in the normal range... luckily i had a vast ammount to start losing!

at my 300 or so a day hair fall her waiting list will cost me another 5% of my hair haha oh dear!


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Stillll going... started taking ashwaghanda and rhodiola to reduce anxiety and cortisol and it has certainly done that! I am calm for the first time in a long time!


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Good to hear that. Did you talk to a different doctor about your shed?


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My appointment is on Friday so I will get a verdict then I hope, and will let you guys know, there is still a lot coming out which sucks!!! However the Rhodiola and Ashwagandha are keeping me remarkably calm, and i dont do calm normally! which over time may help things in the hair department, I'm learning nothing happens over night in this game!!!

I have been chronically stressed for a number of years as I say so that has had to have had some negative impacts.... so i'm hoping this is is more Telogen Effluvium than male pattern baldness but im not 100% convinced to tell you the truth, my temple recession looks like its thinning fairly high up on one side sadly... we shall see I guess and appropriate action will be taken!

I recently found an interesting article on theories behind stress accelerated male pattern baldness which was an interesting read indicating through many complicated processes (none of which I quite grasped) more stress=more DHT...and more inflammation and more... everything really..... which made sense...


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please keep us updated and good luck with your appointment on Friday. Ask your Doctor many questions, try to get as much info as possible.


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hi.. turns out she was a great help. She was so nice! She had a closer look and the majority of the shedding seems to be a tellogen affuvium she thinks as there is substantial regrowth too and the thinning is defuse.... there were a few things the Doctor mentioned which may indicate why this is happening, so, going to make a few lifestyle changes and go back in 4 months, to see if it has made any difference.. She did also accept there was some recession in my hairline but didnt see the need to intervene just yet (neither do I as long as it doesn't get much worse) so i'm going to go back in 4 months and see if the shedding has stopped and assess what is going on in the front...

all in all, I havn't stopped losing hair yet, but I feel like I have something logical in place, so feel much more relaxed about it which is great!!
cheers guys

cheers guys