Shedding after Regrowth


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Here is my story.
I was losing my hair like a mad man. Started using finasteride and minoxidil and after 6 months I had 80% of my hair back was just in time for my wedding. During my honeymoon I didn't use minoxidil and stopped for awhile. Shedding started again so I started the treatments again and began shedding like crazy, which I knew was normal. Lost everything which grew back and was at square one again. Again 6-7months later my hair looks fuller than ever. But now I am starting to shed while on the treatments. Is this normal?
I have been shedding for about a week and a hlaf now and afraid of losing everything again.
If shedding is normal how long can I expect it for. I am still using 5% minoxidil and proscar.
Hope the answer is a positive one.

And Thanks for this forum
It contains great information


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i think you have anwsered your own question this shedding has happenend to you twice already and your hair has come back thicker each time ,this sounds like great news for you because i would guess it will again,i know it is hard to see it going backwards for a while but you obviously respond to the drugs your taking ,so everything should turn out rosy for you,good luck


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Means they have grown back miniaturised, unless they are going to thicken up as they grow.


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GNT said:
Sorry the hairs that are falling out are small.
Is this normal?

Yes. It shows that treatment is working.

hairless neo

New Member
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Guys ... !!! I'm sorry I dont get it ....

WHAT ON EARTH is showing how it is supposed to be working and when ... !!! ???

I mean if Im ALLREADY shedding like crazy ... and my hair re-growth cycle goes towared smaller and thinner hair ... !! , how the even more shedding phase of the treatment is supposed to mean something else ... !!!

It is becoming really confusing ...


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Shedding small hairs is a good sign?

not sure of this. but from my experience, i believe shedding smaller hairs is a gd sign that your treatments are working and the male pattern baldness hairs are being shed off. thats my opinion.

any other opinion??