Shedding A LOT at around 4 months on finasteride.


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Only using .5mg finasteride ED and 2% keto e3-4D. I went to the sink last night and tugged lightly on my hair at different areas on my head for about a minute. I check the sink and it almost literally looks like I got a haircut. I mean, I don't even know how I have any hair on my head if I'm shedding as much as I saw last night. There were a ton of hairs in the sink. I've also made NEGATIVE progress in regards to my hair these last 4 months. It feels thinner and my hairline looks slightly worse.

Pic of hairs in sink (it looked worse in person):


So what should I expect in the coming months/what is more likely?

1.) The shedding stops and all those lost hairs come back--greatly thickening up my hair.


2.) I lose everything.

The ONLY things I can think of that could possibly have caused this shedding is my use of Cabergoline the last 6 weeks (only one more dose left), or taking finasteride around 7am on weekdays, but around 11-1pm on weekends, or the extra stress from starting a new job recently. Also just started using L-Lysine, but I don't think that would effect my hair.


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If I was you I'd stick with it for another 8 months and maybe increase the .5mg to 1mg.

I'm no expert as I have only been on finasteride myself for 3 weeks but I know what losing loads of hair feels like. Especially if you don't know whether its shedding from the finasteride or just shedding. Just stick with it till you hit a year and see if its working or not


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Thanks for the response. I'm definitely going to stick with it, however, I don't think increasing the dosage will yield any better results. I swear I've read that the difference between taking .5mg and 1mg ED is extremely minimal in terms of benefits/results.


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I've read that somewhere as well, I think it depends on your DHT levels but I'm not sure on that because Im very new to all of this


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Only using .5mg finasteride ED and 2% keto e3-4D. I went to the sink last night and tugged lightly on my hair at different areas on my head for about a minute. I check the sink and it almost literally looks like I got a haircut. I mean, I don't even know how I have any hair on my head if I'm shedding as much as I saw last night. There were a ton of hairs in the sink. I've also made NEGATIVE progress in regards to my hair these last 4 months. It feels thinner and my hairline looks slightly worse.

Pic of hairs in sink (it looked worse in person):

View attachment 28681

So what should I expect in the coming months/what is more likely?

1.) The shedding stops and all those lost hairs come back--greatly thickening up my hair.


2.) I lose everything.

The ONLY things I can think of that could possibly have caused this shedding is my use of Cabergoline the last 6 weeks (only one more dose left), or taking finasteride around 7am on weekdays, but around 11-1pm on weekends, or the extra stress from starting a new job recently. Also just started using L-Lysine, but I don't think that would effect my hair.

chill man. I shed for 7 months straight on propecia (i'm your age), thought it was the end of the world, then one day it just stopped. regrowing lost hair slowly now. Once the shedding stops you'll feel euphoric. Most of it will regrow, just ride it out man. patience is key


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Can I ask theonelink, how much hair were you shedding every time you washed your hair?

That's if you know because not everybody counts like me haha


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Can I ask theonelink, how much hair were you shedding every time you washed your hair?

That's if you know because not everybody counts like me haha

I wasnt keeping track mate, i'd estimate id see 15-20 or so hairs in my hands when i shampooed for the first 3 months of finasteride. Slowed down to about 5-10 for 4 months. then during month 7 one day it just completely stopped. Now i'm surprised if I see 1 hair in my hands after shampooing (obviously i was losing more in the shower that went down the drain those numbers are just estimates of what i saw in my hands)


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I'm glad you wasn't to be honest its a bad habit to get into, thanks anyway. I lose about 150 a day when washing but I try to leave it two days now to stop it falling so much. I usually have about 15-20 when I put shampoo on as well. OCD never helps in a situation like this.


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I'm glad you wasn't to be honest its a bad habit to get into, thanks anyway. I lose about 150 a day when washing but I try to leave it two days now to stop it falling so much. I usually have about 15-20 when I put shampoo on as well. OCD never helps in a situation like this.

first year is a 'rollercoaster' as they say... some days i'd feel my hair looked fine then other days i thought the opposite and got really depressed. It's definately improving now i know for sure. i'd tell you to not check your hair in every mirror you see or constantly throughout the days but you will probably continue doing so if you do (i know how it feels). just keep taking finasteride everyday stay consistent it will improve eventually... 'good things come to those who wait'


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Cheers, lets hope so. I also would be checking 99% of the day in front of the mirror, I might as well stick one to my head over the past two months. I'm really hoping I noticed my hair loss early because I only noticed two months ago and I'm on finasteride already, hope I caught it early


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yea i was on finasteride a week within noticing my hair falling out, finasteride 'should' keep our hair long enough until something else comes out now, considering its almost 2015. good luck with the finasteride mate, chin up!


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Thanks, good Luck to you as well.

They've been saying there's going to be something for years. Also isn't there an 83% chance of finasteride working (I've read), to be in that 17% that would be extremely unlucky


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chill man. I shed for 7 months straight on propecia (i'm your age), thought it was the end of the world, then one day it just stopped. regrowing lost hair slowly now. Once the shedding stops you'll feel euphoric. Most of it will regrow, just ride it out man. patience is key

Thanks for this post. It makes me feel a bit better, because that's literally EXACTLY what I'm going through. One day my hair won't look bad, then the next it will seem insanely thin. Definitely going to stick with it, but I was getting a depressed about it.


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I'm experiencing the same thing..I've been taking finasteride for four months..if the rate of shedding continues, I will be bald in a few months..I wonder if the shed hair will come back.. When light hits my scalp now you can see through it. Very depressing.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm experiencing the same thing..I've been taking finasteride for four months..if the rate of shedding continues, I will be bald in a few months..I wonder if the shed hair will come back.. When light hits my scalp now you can see through it. Very depressing.