Shedders, where did you buy your finasteride?


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Look at the graph to the left (my avator).

Notice that 55% of the hair regrowth is in the first 6 months. That is the average of thousands of men in an FDA approved phaseIII trial.

I'm sure that only people who shed come to this board, and everyone else smiles and goes on about their life, so maybe the graph does not show people like you. But I'm still suspicious and wonder where the shedders got their finasteride. I'm talking about guys who were loosing hair slowly, got on just finasteride, and then lost it rapidly, or were loosing it rapidly, and continued to loose it rapidly.

finasteride does not stop hair loss in 17% of men, but it should slow it a bit in some of those.


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Hey CCS,

I responded to your post on the main discussion board. As for where I get my Proscar: I get it from Albertson's pharmacy and cut the Proscar 5mg tablet into 1/4th and take daily. Blue tablet, heart shapped.

When I went to refill my Proscar 5mg prescription the other day, the pharmacy gave me a bottle with blue round pills. On the bottle it says Finasteride 5mg. States it is substitued for Proscar. The label on the bottle states that it is the same medication but the size and shape may differ.

Thanks, Steve


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they automatically gave you the generic. nice of them. how much did it cost?


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It cost $30 for 30 tablets that are cut into 1/4. Is there any difference from the generic brand that they gave me? Thanks


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holly crap, the generic is $30 !!! now is that with insurance or cash only?

CCS: the 17% are in the chart, they are hurting the average


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that is what someone said albertsons charged him. He did not even have to ask for it. they did it automatically. maybe he had insurance. when I saw that, I started recommending 1/8 proscar every day instead of EOD as a back up while taking dutas twice a week. I think I'll do MWF.


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in many states, it the law to give a generic, unless ordered by the physician

goodluck with that dutasteride, keep us updated! and remember to take pictures to see your progress, day to day viewing and thinking will just make you go mad


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Why? What is the purpose of this nonesense post. People take finasteride at different stages of hairloss, some during a shed, or right before an eventual one. Besides none of the people here have clinical reserachers measuring their hair density every few weeks.

Those trials are meaningless and your post is irresponsible at best. Sure go a head and tell everyone that is freaking out while shedding that they have been given bad finasteride. Fer Chrissakes you claim to be helping people then do so ang keep this BS to yourself.

Everyone who reads this note that this guy is absolutely not onto to anything by suspecting that bad finasteride is oput there. It is bad scince to even pose such a question.

Shedding is extremely subjective as is a person's apparent quality of hair. I thought I was "shedding" through most of the first year on finasteride, but you know what? My hair quality has nto changed much at all over the last 14 months. I freaked out several times a week and spent way too much time here, but it was all due to my emotional state. And my finasteride is generic fincar straight from India. If I saw some retard post like this chances are it would have made me even more paranoid. Ignore this, take generics, save some money and wait a year or so. Chances are your hair won't be all that bad.


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haha awesome!!!!!!!! i cant wait to get the generic in the states. before i was ordering from canada for like 60+ bucks. now that the generic is out and it is 30 dollars that is tremendous. i love when generics come out.