Shampoo Rotation


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Hi guys,

I’ve realized that my whole life I have been using shampoos that probably ruined my hair, and now that I am starting to battle male pattern baldness I want to make sure that at least that part of my regiment would be covered.

I currently use nizoral 1%, T-Gel and Selsum Blue but I don’t really see any results. My hair is dry, my flakes and dandruff are not going away and the shedding continues. After some research I decided to try Jason's Thin-to-Thick shampoo and conditioner and also try Nioxin; Thier site recommends system 6.

My question is whether a rotation of Jason/Nioxin/nizoral/etc would be beneficial or will it cancel each other out, or even worsen my current condition.

I am also starting to use Rogaine soon, and will probably give apple cider a try.

What do you think? is it too much or am I on the correct track?

Also, if you guys can suggest any other product that could be good that would be great as well.

Thanks in advance.


I decided to skip the Nioxin and ordered the following:

Jason’s T2T shampoo + conditioner
Avalon Biotin Complex shampoo
Body Shop Ginger shampoo

What will be a good rotation of these 3 and nizoral 1%?

And another question; will using Rogaine have any affect of my dandruff? (to the better or worse)


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lll tell you what has worked amazingly for me over the last two years.

I use Dr Proctors NANO shampoo two days in a row, then the third day I use Nizoral. Repeat forever.

I also take 0.5 mg of Finpecia daily as well as Liquid minoxidil once every night.

I am a diffuse thinning all over the top of my head with zero recession and let me tell you, this regimen has done wonders. I have regrown a shitload of hair and havent lost any ground in 2 years.


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Nizoral or Revita

Body shop ginger contains piroctone olamine

Avalon Organics, Biotin B-Complex Thickening shampoo

You will love this combo, its the sh*t


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every day i pre wash with Body shop ginger
then follow up daily with nizoral 1%.
or the 2% every few days.


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I rotate Nizoral 1%, Nano Shampoo and Jason Thin to Thick and it helps.

Also taking 1mg Propecia daily and I use Folligen Spray 5-6 times a week.


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Thanks for the replies guys!

I will look into the shampoos you suggested. NANO seems good but its expensive; any other alternatives?

And I did not really get an opinion about the two I was thinking of trying? What are some thoughts and experiences with Nioxin and Jason's T-2-T?


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I never found the answer why does everybody wash their hair (almost) every day? Non-balding people don't do it as far as I know so there must be some reason for that. Also, except Nizoral which all of you use, everybody mentioned some other shampoo for off-Nizoral days, does it mean that none of them really do anything good for hair loss because in that case few of them would be used by a lot of people, not the other way round.


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Non-balding ppl do do much as balding don't. In other words, I don't think it matters- it's not causing hair loss or allowing one to keep one's hair.

I usually wash mine every day...mainly twice a day even. Because I use topicals. Gentle 'poos with hair friendly ingreds can be a bonus imo.


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And another question; will using Rogaine have any affect of my dandruff? (to the better or worse)

The good news is, Rogaine won't make your dandruff any worse. The bad news is the Rogaine will dry up on your scalp and leave a yellowish residue that flakes off like dandruff.

It sounds nasty, but if you shampoo your head really good and comb some of the residue out once in a while, it's not bad.


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Body shop ginger contains piroctone olamine

I'm definitely going to give this a try. I had really bad seb. dermatitis all over my face and I tried various ketoconazole solutions with no success. Then I got PromiSeb, which contains piroctone olamine, and my face almost completely cleared up. I use 2% Nizoral on my scalp at least 4x a week, and my head still itches around where my hair is thinning, so hopefully I will find success with this stuff.

I actually came across this study while looking up piroctone olamine:


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I decided to skip the Nioxin and ordered the following:

Jason’s T2T shampoo + conditioner
Avalon Biotin Complex shampoo
Body Shop Ginger shampoo

They arrived over the weekend and I gave each a shot. They all seem to leave my scalp feeling healthier and they smell good. Cant wait to see some results. Will they help me with my dandruff? I hope so because its getting out of control and my hair continues to thin.

Rogaine is my next step; then Propecia.

I do have a question; will these 3 shampoos interfere with each other? Can I use them all in rotation or should I use one or two more then the rest?