Shall I ditch MINOMUCK or not?


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Hmmm, I've been adding 10ml to a bottle of Kirkland, maybe I am mixing it too strong? I'm not sure it would have adverse effects though?...


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i'm not really sure about this : but since i stated using the minomuck hair become worse

maybe there is something wrong with the 'hairmuck' it's look like motor oil with flakes inside

anyway i keep it in the fridge


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I also keep mine in the fridge, but my hair has definately not got any better since using it. Annoying stuff this hairloss game.


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annoying yeah..
you still using it?

i had better result 2 years ago before i modded my minoxidil

maybe it's because i dropped the hair multi vitamin...? :lost:


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Yes I am still using it mate. I am a sucker for hair products, once I start them I become scared to stop. I've also tried the foam and had little success. I might concentrate more on my vits this year. I still take 1/4 finasteride daily and that has done nothing that I can see for the 18 months I've been using it. I'm still receeding and my crown is starting to thin now.

I'll never have a hair transplant, I've always said that. I already buzz my head to #0 once a week, but even now I can tell its getting worse.


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avi21 said:
i'm not really sure about this : but since i stated using the minomuck hair become worse


Some guys reportedly have a problem w/ the zinc content in zix - or perhaps you're using another topical that interferes? I'd write to Joe directly and tell him what's going on. He'll probably have some suggestions.


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That might be worth a go. Since I dropped the AA from the solution the itching has gone. That usually means the hairloss is slowing.


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by adding 10ml of HAIRMUCK to the 5% minoxidil mixture i decrease the amount of the minoxidil in the mixture and what we get is a 3.5% or 4% minoxidil instead of 5%

maybe because of this i see a decrease in hair count in the same places i used to aplly the plain minoxidil

it's reminds me the time that i swtich from liquid to foam :shakehead:


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who said that topical saw pallmeto is good for regrowth in first place?

i tried minomuck for 2.5 mounth and unfortunaly is only make things worse

maybe it's only me but that plain 5% is better for me

just my 2 cents


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Thanks for the input mate. I'm have no technical knowledge of any products, but I am will to try anything within reason. I'm thinking if the Big 3 don't work then theres little else I can do tbh.


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i've sent an email to the guy who sells the hairmuck/zix stuff
and i asked him if it's not a problem that we add 10ml of hairmuck to the mixture and by doing that we decrease the precentage of the minoxidil to 3.5% or 4%
instead of 5%
and he didn't reply so from the way i see it i'm right


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Did you get a reply? Just a thought I was adding over 1ml per application so I was still getting the same amount of min?! Ive not used it since, but my hairs still getting worse. I've come to the conclusion that nothing is making my hair worse, it just appears my persistant genetics are to persistant for any medical treatment...


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ginger-uk said:
Did you get a reply? Just a thought I was adding over 1ml per application so I was still getting the same amount of min?! Ive not used it since, but my hairs still getting worse. I've come to the conclusion that nothing is making my hair worse, it just appears my persistant genetics are to persistant for any medical treatment...
Ginger, what's your current regimen?
I'd drop the minomuck.


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I did drop it mate.


1.25mg finasteride
2 x 5ml Kirkland
Nizoral twice a week.

Thats about it now. Take vits from time to time when I remember.


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ginger-uk said:
I did drop it mate.


1.25mg finasteride
2 x 5ml Kirkland
Nizoral twice a week.

Thats about it now. Take vits from time to time when I remember.
How long have you been on finasteride? Where do you have yours from? (Proscar?)


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I've been on finasteride for about 20 months. I get it from a local GP. The tablets are 5mg finasteride. I used to use Proscar, but my GP started subscribing finasteride instead last year.


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ginger-uk said:
I've been on finasteride for about 20 months. I get it from a local GP. The tablets are 5mg finasteride. I used to use Proscar, but my GP started subscribing finasteride instead last year.

Has your hairloss slowed down in any way?


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No mate, not really. It did ever so slightly about 4 years ago for about 6 months, since then its got worse tbh.