Shall I ditch MINOMUCK or not?


Senior Member
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Hm, did you consider something stronger like dutasteride or xandrox15 or so?


Established Member
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I had, but to be honest I don't think I'm a responder. dutasteride seems a step to far to me. Sometimes we all become a little too self obsessed with this hairloss stuff. Now I am nearer 30 it’s not as devastating for me. At 20 I have to admit I let the situation ruin my life even when the hairloss wasn't that bad. As much as I want a restored hairline, if it turns me into a fat hormonal women I don't see it as a positive step forward.

I have my hair buzzed at a 0# so it looks sharp. I go to the gym and I am in good shape. dutasteride would have a negative effect on my physical appearance and probably wouldn't touch my hair. Which would lessen my overall appearance. Pretty much everyone I know thinks I look better without hair, so its not all bad I guess. If I restored my hairline I still wouldn't grow it any longer than a 1#.

I've thought about xandrox15 but it’s not very cheap and I have read that anymore than 5% doesn't offer any extra benefits. Do you know different?