Serious Minoxidil Side Effects?


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I'll post this here since this forum gets the most readers, and hopefully answerers to my questions. First the story:

I'm 34 and noticed minimal temporal recession oh about a year ago. I have used topical spironolactone pretty consistently for the past year, year and a half. I went off and on minoxidil, week here, two weeks there, for the past year also. Over the summer I went to visit Dr. Pistone for a free consultation and was told I was a Norwood 1+, not receded enough yet to be a 2 -- whatever!

Anyway, that was August 10 or so. From that point on, I have been on minoxidil non-stop, 2x/day every day and have seen fantastic results in temple regrowth. I also continue to use topical spironolactone 2x/day and Nizoral shampoo. I also sometimes used azelaic acid, though I know many on this board dispute its effectiveness in regard to hairloss.

Well, here I am four months later. I got, I think, too aggressive with the minoxidil, applying 1ml of 5% 2x/day, along with supplementing with the Xandrox 12.5% in additon to the 2x/day of the 5%, and even using the Xandrox 15, many times on a hydrated scalp which I know increases absorption. I know, I know, way way too overzealous and way too soon to start with such an aggressive application of minoxidil. But you live and you learn.

Just these past two weeks, I noticed some heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat, dizziness and lightheadedness, all of which I know are side effects of topical minoxidil. And with the doses I was taking, I can see how I'd get them. The dizziness and lightheadedness still haven't left, and it's been about 72 hours since I last took minoxidil. They have subsided a bit, though. I wrote Dr. Lee and he said when the side effects subside totally, to apply 2% minoxidil 1 or maybe 2x/day and see how I tolerate it. He said often the best responders are the ones with the most side effects.

I would say on a scale of 1-10, minoxidil was a 9 for me in terms of effectiveness, but also now a 9 in terms of side effects.

My questions:

Could these side effects have just manifested themselves now, after four months of use with really no sides before now?

How long after stopping minoxidil should the dizziness and lightheadedness take to subside?

Has anyone experienced the dizziness/lightheadedness side effect? And if so, did it subside, and did you then continue with a reduced/lower % dose of minoxidil?

If I must stop minoxidil totally, is there anything I can add to the spironolactone/Nizoral to help with the excellent regrowth I've achieved through minoxidil?

Finally, and Dr. Lee said this could no way be attributed to minoxidil, I also noticed excess gas and stomach acid while on it. I say it was for me a side effect. Anyone have a comment on this?

Feel free to add anything else or share your story regarding minoxidil's side effects and effectiveness.

An amazing drug to say the least, but not risk-free. Damn!


for me:

Monoxidil on a damp scalp = heart palpatations.

Monoxidil on a dried scalp = no heart palpatations.