Semi Panicking, I'm I Starting To Go Bald? Or Cowlick?


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I've never really noticed the back of my head before until I started noticing my peers/High School friends were starting to lose their hair and recently noticed I didn't have much hair on my crown.

For some context about me.

-I recently turned 28
-When I shower and shampoo my hair, Small strains of hair appear on my hand but nothing major.
-My dad father doesn't have much hair (He's 67)
- My grandparents, from what I know weren't completely bald but had receding hairlines (which I don't)

I uploaded photos from today going from Wet hair to dry, I would appreciate some insight.

Thank You


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I'm 17 soIdk what my say means, but i have a cowlick and it never looks like the first pic. It's only a small sort of swirl