Seeking thoughts/experience with mild to moderate finasteride side effects


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Hi All,

I've been taking Propecia for close to 8 years now, since I was 23. After a few months of use I had very mild sexual side effects (difficulty maintaining an erection), though for the most part I was fine. Over the years though, the side effects have worsened a bit. Still not terrible, however, it's harder to keep an erection going (I'll lose it in 15 seconds if I don't keep 'stimulating' it) and overall the erection is softer.

Now, I'll concede that it could just be that I'm getting older that these conditions are worsening. Although, I don't think a 31 year old should be having these problems either. It's most likely a combination of the Propecia and aging.

In any case, I've been considering stopping Propecia, but have thought about taking half a Propecia pill (.5 mg) first or even a fourth. Has anyone had any positive results doing this?

Alternatively, has anyone stopped Propecia and picked up Rogaine and seen any positive results? I'd greatly appreciate your feedback.

Thanks guys.


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Hello CG,

We have same situation. After I stopped using Propecia the outcome is actually a living nightmare for an unknown range of young men who sadly are now struggling and battling through each day with several continual symptoms, decreased total well being and health problems, and frequently suffering alone due to insufficient medical knowledge on this detrimental outcome from using a 5AR inhibitor...


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I have read in few places TOCO-8 supplement is very good in the area of sex drive & hair loss. Maybe you should look into it as additional & not stop the finasteride in case get major shedding trauma.


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L-Arginin helps a lot with the quality of erection.

It does not give you libido though. Ginseng is good too. Both are cheap and will definitely help you in that department. Before stopping I would also try lowering the dose. If you want to quit, go off very slowly. This seems to be the safest way. Allow your hormones to adjust slowly.