Second day on treatment (Minoxidil, nizoral)


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Hey guys, so Im 21 years old I started losing hair about a year and a half ago, (I feel stress from university had increased the hair loss rate). Basically my hair was going into a norwood IV however I still have hair and thinned out/miniturized hairs in the affected area of a norwood IV. 2 days ago was the first time I applied minoxidil (doing once a day at night for 1 week first). I noticed immediatly my hair wasn't falling out anymore, usually its 20-30 per day and now its like 10 max per day. I also noticed that it made my hair feel and look a lot thicker after it dried out. I also use this hair cream its called ultra glow ( If you look in the ingrediants they have listed some recommended oils to maintain healthy hair.

So after 2 nights of applying minoxil my hair loss has dramatically reduced, does this mean I am a good responder? also should I expect a shed? thank you.