Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos) NINE MONTH SUCCES UPDATE


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Hello everyone,

I'm 19 years old and currently living in the Netherlands (forgive me for any errors in my english). I decided to join these forums to ask for some further advice about my hairloss.

Three months ago, an acquaintance of mine told me my hairline was reciding. That's when I started looking up photos from the past and comparing them with my current hairline. Needless to say it came as quite a shock that my temples had indeed very far receded. A month later I went to a dermatologist and since roughly 1 month I am on 1 MG of Finasteride every day (I take these right before I go to bed, I stopped taking them for about 6 days because scared me off and I needed some time to put that information in perspective). After browsing some other hairloss related forums I also started on a shampoo which contains 1% ketoconazol (supposedly as effective as the 2% nizoral).

I think I am still losing around 50~60 hairs a day, which bothers me. Ofcourse I am super focused on my hairloss so I haven't got a clue how much this is compared to the time when I didn't even know I was balding.
As for sides of Finasteride, I have not yet experienced anything.

Do you guys think minoxidil could do something for me? Or are my temples a lost cause already?
Is the fact that I'm losing hairs still a bad sign, or is it too early to tell?

Anyway's here are the pictures of my hair in the front. My huge forehead makes it look even worse.

Thanks in advance,

[attachment=2:2sktysk1]9 mei voor.png[/attachment:2sktysk1]
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[attachment=1:2sktysk1]10 mei links.png[/attachment:2sktysk1]


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

the idea is that you 're going bald...and at 19 years not a good can use minoxidil...but it don't know how much it will work...anyway...finasteride will be your best bet...! don't drop it...try it at least 1 year and then decide everything else...


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Well yeah, I know its a bad sign, but I just want to explore my options.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

The more important thing isn't how many hair you are losing but rather how many hair you are losing without growing back.

Try to look for miniaturized hair among those hair dropped, like those which look thinner and less pigmented than your normal hair.

I think minoxidil could help you but it will be a life long commitment.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Okay I will make sure too check that, thanks for your response. I think I only want to apply minoxidil on my temples so I don't think it will be that much of a commitment. And even if it is, 5 minutes per day lost isnt that big of a deal right!


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Vanzzzz said:
I think minoxidil could help you but it will be a life long commitment.

I don't understand where everybody gets this idea that minoxidil is a lifelong commitment. You can stop using it anytime you want, you just won't continue to see the benefits!


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

The problem is everything is a "life long" commitment. If you do nothing, your hair continues to recede. If you shave your head, you have to shave it...forever. If you take finasteride, you have to take it...forever. If you do minoxidil and want continued results, you have to take it...forever.

Everything is "forever" its just what works best for each person and what they want to do.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

If it wasn't clear in my main post; I am back on finasteride again. Also what norwood would you guys give this? 2-3?


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

i would say you are about a full nw2 that is about to start heading towards nw3. i would say that your hair loss is pretty damn aggressive and serious for your age. but then, i'm no expert.

like everyone sayin, don't drop finasteride, wait a little to see the result.
after about a year if you still don't see good result from finasteride, get on minoxidil. start with lower dosage (5%) then move up if you feel like your skin can take higher concentration.
good luck.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

um wtf, his hair is not bad at all, hes a Norwood 2. sebastian just stay on propecia and u could keep ur hair forever, lakerfan his hairloss is not aggresive at all, where the f*** did u get that from? its not as if hes diffuse thinning either, relax sebastian.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Thanks patrik.

So its been like a week over a month since I started taking finasteride. I am having a somewhat breakdown here since I am still losing good looking hairs. When I treat my hair with caution, the amount is fairly small though. I think about 10, but whenever I wash my hair with a shampoo that number becomes like a 100.

Should I be paying much attention to the hairloss, or should I just wait half a year and then evaluate if it has gotten worse or not? Because honestly, this haircounting is driving me insane.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

I am sorry to hear that, I just went to the mirror to check. Seems very thick everywhere (the front hair grows annoyingly fast compared to the temple hair), ofcourse I wouldn't know for sure untill I get a buzzcut but I still get compliments on my hair so I'm not ready for that.

Looks like (and I hope) I got my fathers male pattern baldness, he started at the temples like me but his hair stayed so thick that it only started to show around the age of 35-40. I looked up pictures and he had the same hairline as me at 18 so... From my mother's side there is no male pattern baldness at all.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

A little update: I'm starting 2% minoxidil for ~2 months to avoid shedding, if all goes well i'll get on 5% after!

Wish me luck, I hope that it can thicken the temple areas up a bit!

PS. Even though I've kind of low expectations of everything, ill probably end up bald. If so, I'll rock that bald look I guess, I've never seen a bald guy in my life of which I though 'god he looks awfull'. Or ill try a piece


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

2,5 month mark on finasteride 0,5 month on 2% minoxidil. Hairline receding fast together with my positive attitude. Ever since I got on propecia im losing around 200 hairs a day, no signs of regrowt. f***.


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Sebastien said:
2,5 month mark on finasteride 0,5 month on 2% minoxidil. Hairline receding fast together with my positive attitude. Ever since I got on propecia im losing around 200 hairs a day, no signs of regrowt. f*ck.

2,5 months is nothing. Full results are widely reported to be seen at the 2 year mark. So calm down. :punk:


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)


Last month I have been on vacation, unfortunately my 2% minoxidil bottle broke inside my luggage so I was unable to continue using. At that time I had used the 2% minoxidil for aprox 3 weeks only on the temples. I still took my finasteride though.

I think my temples are starting to look better, or atleast the way they were when I started on finasteride. Now I don't know if the 'result' could be from the 3 weeks of 2% minoxidil or that the hairs kicked out by the finasteride are coming back. Any input? Please

(I am currently in my 5th month of finasteride).



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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

I think you look cool with that hairline and hairstyle. If I didn't know any I'd better I'd think it was a picture of Gob in Arrested Development.



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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

Don't worry about people saying your doomed becuase you've developed male pattern baldness early. Check my story I have just this week turned 19 and into my sixth month mark, and at 18 my temples had more recession than yours. On a possitve note my hairline is improving without the use of minoxidil, so don't sweat it you should be just fine, us young people (apparently) react well to DHT inhibtors.

Don't check your hair, ignore the hair falling out, and don't count them! It'll make you needleslly panic, just concentrate on monthly photos. Your brain can play tricks on you, pop the pill, take it easy and let the finasteride do it's job!


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Re: Sebastien's Story (19 yr, Photos)

I started losing about your age, i think you caught in time, few notes tho
other then your father, anyone else is balding in your family? or already bald? like your brothers? your mother and father relatives?

as for finasteride, everyone react to that differently, some dont get sides at all and on the drug for years, if you already started and you dont get any sides i see no reason to stop.

someone mentioned already that counting hairs wont really help you, neither stressing about hair loss too, but every now and then take quick pictures (id say every 6 months) from same angels, just to see if there is any progression, you still got your hair, if you make the right choices you have good chance it will stay with you for a long time!