Seasonal/Rogaine Shed


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I've been on Rogaine for about 7 months and I think I'm getting hit with my first shed. Hopefully the hair will come back stronger -- if not, I took control and got myself a "Matt Lauer" haircut. :-D

I am still on the Rogaine only. We've been trying to have a baby, and I didn't want to take Propecia until this baby was born. It looks like we might be on to something as my wife appears to have gotten a positive result on a pregnancy test. :woot: Time will tell, but this could be great news considering our difficulty conceiving after my cancer experience.

Anyway, shedding sucks but there are other things to divert the attention while biting the bullet and making the most of it.

Right now I see more scalp than I ever have before but my hair is basically a crew cut and my hair was not so thick even 15 years ago..


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hey man im from nj to and im gettin hammered with a sept october shed. im trying to stay postive though because i know people in northeast tend to shed the most from sept-nov. im on the foam as well as propecia, i remember this time last year i sheded like crazy to and i wasnt even on treatments.


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Note to self: keep hair a bit longer next fall. :)

So, when does hair start to fill in again? :laugh:


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well if you shed say till December usually takes a month for those hairs to grow back. depending on how short your hair is. hard to say ive been shedding since the end of august till now.


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The seasons definitely affect hair sheds. I always shed a bit in Spring (which it is down here in the southern hemisphere). Getting rid of my winter coat to get ready for the long hot summer.


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I am going through a terrible fall shed as well. I did for the last 2 years. It thickened up but each time but never to where it originally was I dont think.