Screw Finestride, I am going natural

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I've been on finasteride for 1.5 months, 1.5 weeks ago I had sides, I couldn't get an erection and I had severe mental fog for about a week, so I stopped it, few days now I am getting my libido back, I am trying natural home solutions instead, they seem to be working but it's only been few days, if I see actual improvement I' ll defiantly post what I do, mean while you can search online because there are plenty of things to do at home.

I advice any one who is willing to try Finestride to go slowly at 1st, maybe 2x1mg/week, losing your sexual performance is not worth it!


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natural home solutions instead, they seem to be working but it's only been few days



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You are going to naturally lose your hair.


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Lol, Ok I ll see what happens and hopefully I ll get great results :whistle:

good luck, for info what natural prod are you using?


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let me guess. No fap combined with a coconut oil and massage technique.

Could work.


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good luck, for info what natural prod are you using?

Not a product, it's a combination of all the foods that stimulate hair growth and make it strong, and also help block DHT naturally, some I eat and some I blend with water and use topically.

They include: Spinach, lettuce, Arugula, wheat grass (I grow it my self), carrots, pumpkin seeds, Walnuts, sea food, hair oils, tomatoes, vitamin c fruits...etc

Basically these contain Zinc, Iron, Biotin, proteins, and heaps of other stuff that are necessary for hair growth.

Think of it this way, even if you used finasteride & Min to block DHT and stimulate hair growth but you lacked the things needed to build those hairs then how would they grow?

I stopped finasteride 1.5 weeks ago, my hair started falling again, I started with my current regime 2 days ago only, already my hair started getting better, If this continues I will share everything in details.

- - - Updated - - -

I love the pictures you post!

- stop with bs treatments

-try minoxidil foam to stop itch, good idea on finasteride

-use search option for more info

Yes I want to go with the foam.


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none of that snake oil bull**** works :roll:

RU58441 is your last option to inhibit DHT


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2 days ago an already better ....

look buddy its great to bring good nutriments for hair, i myself take zinc magnesium biotin vitamins b d k omega 3 pumpkin seed oil sometimes and other ****s, but it won't help if you don't attak main cause of Androgenetic Alopecia


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Who knows... If it really worked, he will come back after 6 months with full hairline pictures :)


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Who knows... If it really worked, he will come back after 6 months with full hairline pictures :)

He's going to lose so much damn hair, in 6 months he is going to come back in a hair piece.


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LOL What an idiot, I just wake up and my hair is better than the past 2 days, despite losing tons of hair since stopping finasteride, but you are so stupid that what is working for me is not going to work on your stupid head


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LOL What an idiot, I just wake up and my hair is better than the past 2 days, despite losing tons of hair since stopping finasteride, but you are so stupid that what is working for me is not going to work on your stupid head

First of all dipstick, being on finasteride for 1.5 months isn't going to do anything for you. It takes 6-18 months to see results on finasteride. So the hair you have been losing since stopping finasteride would have happened anyway. You can't see results in 2 days either, hair that falls out had begun the process a week beforehand.

Just delete your account and leave you dumb troll.


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First of all dipstick, being on finasteride for 1.5 months isn't going to do anything for you. It takes 6-18 months to see results on finasteride. So the hair you have been losing since stopping finasteride would have happened anyway. You can't see results in 2 days either, hair that falls out had begun the process a week beforehand.

Just delete your account and leave you dumb troll.

lol ok mr expert, just remember that people respond differently and of course they are going to tell you it takes 6 months min, that's how drug manufacturers operate, besides, my male pattern baldness is not that advanced nor aggressive, and just a small update, 3rd day in, my crown clearly started filling up, cheers
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