screamin case of acne...


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hey guys, I started treatment about 15 months ago, the big 3. excellent regrowth, see the link at my signature. In April i developed rash-like acne on the sides of my scalp, just behind the ear. My Doctor said it was folliculitis. I treated it with ceflax & it'd get better, but come right back. This happened over & over.. tried a bunch of different antibiotics with very little results. The condition is continuous & quite painful. went to a derm the other day he said I have acne necrosis, not uncommon for a middle age man. Long term antibiotics can help surpress it, but there's no known cause or cure. he assured me it has nothing to do with my hairloss treatment. From my research here, it sounds like it actually might... Should i stop all treatment & see if it goes away...? or trust my derm... don't want to lose my results but i can't live with this intense acne... Please give educated advice! Thanks, Joeb