Scouse's Story - (29, thin on top have been for 10 years)


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Hi all
Could do with some advice. I am 29 and have thin blonde hair. Its thin all over the top, in no particular areas. I have been like this for the last ten years or so and hasnt really changed much over that time. Its wierd, sometimes in some lights it looks great when its wet or in certain strong lights you can clearly see all my sclap through the hair. I am extremly self conscious of it, I had a number 1 cut for 3 years around 3 years ago but now have short back and sides which i definately prefer. Anyway, over the last 2 years I have tried Nourkrin and another herbal type product without seein much difference. Recently I started using Boots hair loss spray which contains Minoxidil. I dont have a family history of baldness although my Mother and her Mother both have thin red hair.
I would love it if I could have the hair thickened up a bit just to stop the scalp show through. I have also recently found a shampoo called Nanothik which is supposed to improve the appearance (has anyone used it?)
My questions are:
is finestride/propecia somethin that would benefit me?
Does it have to be prescribed by a Doctor in the UK?
is there anybody out there in a similar situation?
Could I just have genetically thin hair that will just stay that way?
Is the boots spray worth it?
Can u see a dermatologist in the uk?


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Re: 29, thin on top have been for 10 years

The same advice applies to all, use the 'Big Three': finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral. Finasteride is available by private prescription from GPs or via larger branches of Boots (look out for the Hair Retention Programme). There's always the internet as well, of course. If you're interested in a cheap supply of Proscar do a board search for John Ashcroft, the GP who prescribes it to me. I've posted his contact details loads of times.


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Re: 29, thin on top have been for 10 years

Thanks Pondle I was thinkin about goin to Boots


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Re: 29, thin on top have been for 10 years

pondle is right, if your male pattern baldness isn't that aggresive, then big 3 should help you get some density back, GL!


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5 months on the big 3 now plus Saw palmetto tablets for last 2 months. Reasonably happy so far, gained a little bit of density back on top. Only side effect I have noticed is I definately get less erections and have lost a little sex drive but nothing major.


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Also lads got a question, I have just read someones comment in sucess stories that the balding process slows down after 30? Anyone else know anythin about this?? I f*#king hope so as I hit the big 3 - 0 this year and still have a good headfull I have worried about it for over ten years though!


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it just means that if baldness starts later in life its generally slower and less aggressive than if it comes earlier not that it slows down when you get older.


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scouse said:
Also lads got a question, I have just read someones comment in sucess stories that the balding process slows down after 30? Anyone else know anythin about this?? I f*#king hope so as I hit the big 3 - 0 this year and still have a good headfull I have worried about it for over ten years though!

I'm sure the speed of the balding process is different for everyone regardless of age. Mine seemed to speed up considerably after 30. I wish I had started treatments just a year or two earlier. I'm doing extremely well considering, but I feel I could have done better if I started earlier.


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Yep, although last year I moved down the M62 to Warrington for cheaper house prices!
Mancs deserve to be bald!!


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hm, if you're balding Propecia will do you good. But lots of people are wary of the side effects.


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No massive results on the big 3 HOWEVER definately some increase in density all over the top of my head. Only side effect I've had is a slight loss of libido. Overall I am pleased and hoping to see further improvement!


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scouse said:
No massive results on the big 3 HOWEVER definately some increase in density all over the top of my head. Only side effect I've had is a slight loss of libido. Overall I am pleased and hoping to see further improvement!

Another manc here! Are you using the big 3 or just propcia/proscar?


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Any chance you can post some pics and tell us where exactly you are applying the minoxidil?, and where exactly you were thinning? Have a nice day!


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General thinning all over the top of my head, no where in particular. Didn't do any b4 pics, to be honest I really see big differences depending on the light and esp if my hair is wet/greasy (it looks f**kin awful then).
Little bit of thickenin since starting the big 3, am really really hopin for more.
Wats weird is that my hair has been like this for over 10 yrs now and aint changed much at all! I am hoping that this means it wont get any worse. Anyone else in a similar situation where they have been at the same level for that long?