Scheduled An Fue Session: Need Some Advice!

Jason Schwartz

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I have an FUE session scheduled with a top hair transplant Doctor, and I wanted some last minute advice.


I am a Norwood 3 vertex with temple recession and a thinning crown.
In the future, I will likely be a Norwood 5 or 6 (this can be seen by the already thinning hairs in the area between my temples and crown). It's passable for now, but will likely continue to thin out on the top of my head and bald over time.

My drug regimen includes nothing, as I can't handle the side effects of minoxidil or finasteride.
I am 38 years of age.
My loss is slow but steady, taking about 12 years to progress to where it is today.


I am looking to fill in my temples in the first hair transplant, and do a second hair transplant a year down the road to fill the crown.
I am expecting to do a third hair transplant in the future, to address further balding in my hairline, forelock, and midscalp areas (that won't be filled in during my first two hair transplants).

All of these planned hair transplants are going to be FUE.
Since I plan to do the entire top of my head, this will likely result in a significant amount of follicular units being used (I assume 5,000 FUEs? I dunno) as well as doing some damage to my donor area (since it is FUE).


1. My short term goals are... to give myself a nice framed hairline, and cover the bald spot in the crown...finally allowing me to sport a hairstyle that doesn't look like I am trying to hide bald spots.

2. My long term goals are... to provide some stubble all over my scalp, so it can look half decent when I shave it down to a one or two guard (after I've simply lost too many hairs to maintain a decent hairstyle) and hopefully not show any noticeable FUE scarring (so that nobody will ever know that I had a hair transplant).

I had hoped to do SMP to cover any FUE scarring and maybe fill out any gaps in the top of the head, but a lot of the SMP examples I've seen online do not look that great. Also, there aren't that many resources on finding a top SMP clinic, and there is also the health issue of constantly having to put ink in your scalp.


Is my plan a viable one?
Are my goals realistically achievable?
Or is this just a pipedream that looks like it's going to fail?

Any responses are much appreciated. Thanks.