scar from youth


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I have a question regarding fue treatment. When I was a baby I had trouble being delivered and they had to use forcep style delivery. This has left a scar on my head measuring 1/2 inch in width by 1/4 in height on the vertex ending crown begining point of my head. I have dark brown hair so unfortunately it shows up pretty good in the light. I am wondering what maybe good options to fix this scar. I was thinking maybe 40-50 fue and use hair from my leg and save my donor area? Am i off base? Do you think this procedure would work? Any input would be appreciated. Thank you.


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I wouldn't do a's a good story, and everyone has some sort of birth mark whether they know it or not. Getting a transplant to cover this seems extreme, to say the least.


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Well the scar is right at the typical spot for an aging older it doesnt at all look like a cool battle least due to its placement. Thankfully its not too big but at the same time its been harder to cover as I grow older. Though I have had some success on treatments, (knock on wood) i am thinking I can maybe cover this spot with a small fue procedure. I dont know if i am in over my head or this can be done rather easily? I know the cost would not be too much thankfully due to its small size. Input?


peterpaul_02 said:
Well the scar is right at the typical spot for an aging older it doesnt at all look like a cool battle least due to its placement. Thankfully its not too big but at the same time its been harder to cover as I grow older. Though I have had some success on treatments, (knock on wood) i am thinking I can maybe cover this spot with a small fue procedure. I dont know if i am in over my head or this can be done rather easily? I know the cost would not be too much thankfully due to its small size. Input?

Hi, while there is never any guarantee of grafts growing in scars, fue would be your best bet to conceal it.

However, remember the scalp is lax, so a good Doctor may be able to excise the scar tissue and leave you with a very thin, unoticeable scar that you can conceal OR choose to fill in less grafts--- the cost should be about the same.

Take Care,


Most people probably never notice it or if they do, think nothing of it. It sounds very small. And I agree to consider a revision first and foremost. But let's say it cannot be revised for whatever reason, use your scalp donor with FUE. Don't consider BH because it may not grow whereby scalp donor will. Best wishes to you.