Scalproller with Acell solution


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Here is what Dr. Cole have to say
I also began mixing 30 mg of the (ACell) small particles in 30 cc of normal saline and injecting this into the recipient areas to include donor scars. I often treat these areas with PRP and microneedling. I then activate the PRP by making incisions in the scalp or by injecting the patient’s thrombin or bovine thrombin into the recipient areas. I have often added the Acell ECM to areas treated with PRP without grafts as Joe Greco has noted an improvement in up to 70% of individual treated with a combination of ECM and PRP. Joe has his own proprietary ECM that he obtains from the patient. Joe has not released this ECM to other physicians yet.

I had one patient who underwent a large session of body hair transplantation. He had excellent growth of his beard hair, but his chest hair did not grow well. In a follow up procedure, I treated his donor scars with chest hair, but this time injected the scars with ACell/Saline 1mg/cc and PRP. The chest hairs grew well this time and grew faster than areas treated with PRP alone with chest as well as beard hair.

So 1:1 of mg/cc ratio is what you need to go ahead with.

Also here is video of Dr Epstein showing the solution you can see it is very watery liquid so only small amount of powder is enough i think.

Hope this help. Do post the pics if you see any improvement, try to take a a close up pic of the skin with Marco lense camera to get hi-res image of the Skin.


Established Member
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Mark, I tried purchasing it today and everywhere I could find online is requiring a prescription. I tried all of the links you posted and searched for about an hour. I did find some that offer the sheets without a prescription but not the powder and I just don't think the sheets would work. I'll keep searching and I may have to try and ask a dr. friend let me know what you think.

Here is one link that is really cheap;


New Member
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I just cant understand. I'm not from USA. Can I buy Asell somewhere and use with scalproller ? And how it use ?
Please help.


Established Member
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It's experimental at best but yes that was our theory to try and dilute with normal saline and then apply via scalproller or injection. The problem is getting the acell in powder form. You can buy the sheets without prescription but I am unable to find where one can buy the powder from without prescription online. If you can find in or out of the states please let me know.